As adults, we are quick to categorize and stereotype people. The society, media, and archaic mindset passed on from generation to generation have all contributed to “the other” concept. Thanks to this categorization, we witness what can be labeled as a blemish on humanity — racism. We may not actively partake in racism, but the truth is that it exists. Our duty as parents is to do our part to ensure that the next generation is sensitive, empathetic, and humane enough to do away with racism and all the atrocities associated with race. One way to go about this is by introducing your babies to different races. Only when we acknowledge the various races and cultures around the world can we think of having real equality. And the earlier children are introduced to this concept the better. This would help your child see all as equal without any discrimination and make friends easily with kids from other cultures and races. We’re about to tell you why you need to do this and how to go about teaching your child about race as they grow older. So, keep reading:

Are Babies Naturally Racist?

You may have noticed this with your child — they seem to be a lot more comfortable with their family members or people who look a lot like family. But when they see someone who doesn’t look like the same race as their parents, they begin to turn away from them. Does this mean that your lovely, innocent baby is a racist? No. When babies reach around three months of age, they begin to differentiate between people. They begin to categorize themselves and their family members as one — there is a sense of familiarity attached here as they all look the same or belong to one color. But when they see someone of a different race, it is their instinct to put them under another category: one that is unfamiliar and not a part of their family. This is purely a survival instinct (1). But this also makes it all the more critical for you as parents to introduce them to different races. What started as a survival instinct doesn’t have to evolve into racial bias. As your child familiarizes themselves with other races, they will soon grow to love them for what they are — humans like themselves. Earlier you start on this process the better. Soon , your little one will start education, starting from daycare. Chances are that they will get to interact with kids from many different backgrounds. Only by being familiar and comfortable with different races they will be able to form judgement free friendships from such an early age.

How To Start Introducing Your Baby Or Toddler To Different Races

Your baby is a part of a big world that is home to different races and ethnicities. Here’s how you can make efforts to make them gel well with people from all walks of life: Babies aren’t racist; they aren’t born with the intense ability to hate someone because of their race. But babies are inquisitive, curious, and intelligent. Use these traits to allow them to explore different races. They’ll soon grow to look beyond external appearances, as it should be. What are your thoughts on this? How did you introduce your child to different cultures and races? Let us know in the comments below!