A child biting someone could be a typical stage of development as they cannot express their actions or feelings through words. However, biting can result in severe physical harm to the bitten person. It also leads to strained relationships and upsets other children, parents, and adults. Therefore, it is important to address biting in young children. Read on to understand why children bite and how to respond to their behavior.

Why Do Kids Bite?

Biting is common in young children but could worry the parents, especially when the child continues to show the behavior for a long time. Also, it is not an acceptable way of expression as the child reaches toddlerhood around three to five years of age. Some possible reasons for the child’s biting behavior are (1) (2).

To ease the pain due to teething To express their frustration and other feelings they can’t communicate Out of curiosity about the consequence, especially when playing with other children When they are hungry, sleepy, or bored

To enjoy or experience the physical sensation of biting (oral stimulation) To defend themselves in particular situations To take control of a situation and be in power among a group To get attention

The above reasons make biting understandable. However, it is still important to redirect biting toward a more acceptable behavior.

How To Stop Children From Biting?

To prevent biting behavior in children, help them stay distracted and occupied physically and mentally. You can teach your children the following appropriate ways to communicate their needs and emotions (3) (4).
