Is it safe to use depilatory cream such as Nair during pregnancy? Active hormones in pregnancy can cause an increase in unwanted hair growth. Shaving or plucking them can give you breakouts. Skin is also extra sensitive to many products during pregnancy. You may ask dermatologists before using hair removal products such as Nair in pregnancy. They may help you to choose suitable products for your skin type. Before visiting the doctor, you may read on to know the safety of Nair during pregnancy and how often you could use hair removal products.

A Closer Look – Is Nair Safe During Pregnancy?

Nair is a hair removing topical agent applied to the skin to get rid of unwanted hair. Nair claims that their product is safe during pregnancy when all the instructions are followed. Further, no scientific evidence states that hair removal during pregnancy could be harmful (2). But knowing certain things about the products will help you avoid any adverse effects.

The mild chemicals that mix with the bloodstream of the would-be mother do not affect the unborn in any way. However, some consider it best to avoid any sorts of chemicals during pregnancy and rather find it convenient to use an epilator or an electric shaver. Image: Shutterstock Also, women with sensitive skin or allergies often find it difficult to use Nair in the course of pregnancy.

Doctor’s Advice:

Consultations with your doctor are a wise idea before you start using any chemicals during pregnancy.

Health care professionals generally recommend avoiding any sorts of chemicals in the first trimester of pregnancy. This is the phase when your baby is highly susceptible to health risks (3). If you are extra cautious, you may avoid using such products until you reach the second or the third trimester. This is the time when the risk factors have reduced significantly. Nair has been recommended by experts such as Christina Chambers for the shortest possible time, as this ensures the chemicals get very little time to be absorbed by the blood stream.

Important Considerations:

Women generally get highly sensitive to smells during pregnancy. Look for the following symptoms that and consider them seriously:

Smell of beauty products such as Nair may appear strong and result in headaches and nausea. Your breasts become very sensitive during pregnancy. The area around the breasts gets highly sensitive. In case of any discomfort or allergies, you must discontinue its use and inform your doctor (4). If you opt for professional services in a spa or salon, you must check with the services and ensure they are trained to work with the expecting mothers. Image: Shutterstock If you choose to avoid chemicals, shaving, tweezing and waxing are some good options.

Benefits Of Nair During Pregnancy

Many find beauty products such as Nair convenient and an easy and cheap process of removing hair. Compared to shaving, waxing, and epilating during pregnancy, hair removal products seem a lot easier and hassle-free. Women using Nair find hair growth less frequent which frees them from shaving frequently.


Even though Nair has been considered by most of the manufacturers and experts as safe during pregnancy, there has not been extensive research on the subject.

Read the instructions well and stop using the product immediately in case of skin irritations or rashes. You must make it a point to check with your healthcare provider. In case you are unsure about its use, it is better to avoid it.
