Pregnancy brings about a lot of changes that you may be unaware of earlier. While managing all minor discomforts and transitions, an upper respiratory tract infection during pregnancy is not easy to cope with. A cold is the result of a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract. Most people find it annoying to deal with a cold in a normal state; it is more difficult to cope with it while pregnant. Moreover, most viral infections do not usually respond to antibiotic medications; hence they take their course to come down eventually. Keep reading to know more about the types, signs, and prevention of upper respiratory tract infections when pregnant.

Kinds Of Upper Respiratory Tract Infections

The common cold is not the only infection that can affect your upper respiratory tract. Some other viral upper respiratory infections include:

Influenza Chickenpox (varicella) Fifth disease Cytomegalovirus Rubella

Fortunately, most women do not have to deal with many of these illnesses during pregnancy. A cold or flu is the most common upper respiratory tract infection encountered during pregnancy. Most people often think that cold and flu are the same. But that is not true. Though both are upper respiratory tract infections and resemble each other, they have some subtle differences.

Signs And Symptoms of Cold

An acute inflammation of the upper respiratory tract can cause a common cold. The symptoms of a cold may include:

Headache Loss of smell Body aches Cough Runny nose Image: iStock Nasal congestion

Signs And Symptoms Of Influenza

Influenza or the flu is also a viral infection that affects the upper respiratory tract. It is usually a common complaint during the winter months. The symptoms of flu can set in suddenly and include:

Chills Fever Headache Body ache Weakness Sweating Runny nose Coughing Image: iStock Sore throat Sneezing

Treating Common Upper Respiratory Tract Infection During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, even simple illnesses may last longer or have a more serious effect than usual, because of your weakened immune system. In any case, your best bet during a cold or flu is to find as much comfort as you can. Some things you can do to manage your cold or flu symptoms include:

1. Rest:

An upper respiratory tract infection can leave you weak. So, rest as much as you possibly can.

2. Keep Yourself Hydrated:

It is very easy to become dehydrated when you are down with a cold. So keep taking fluids. Remember, dehydration can slow down the baby’s growth and lead to premature labor and birth!

3. Keep Fever Under Control:

If you develop a fever, try to keep it below 100.4° F. High fever during pregnancy can cause several birth defects in your unborn baby like neural tube defects, microphthalmia, cataract, micrencephaly, functional and behavioral problems (1). Some steps you can take to manage your fever include:

Wearing loose clothes to allow body heat to escape. You should also try taking a bath with lukewarm water. You can use medications to reduce fever after consulting your doctor.

4. Say Goodbye To Congestion:

Congestion can cause acute distress during a cold. To find relief from nasal congestion, try some extra humidity. Use a humidifier in your room. You can also use a neti pot or saline water for some relief.

5. Cough No More:

A persistent cough can cause discomfort to pregnant women. So, try using home remedies like basil leaf, ginger, honey, etc. for relief. You can also consult your doctor about using a cough medicine.

When To Seek Medical Help?

Most cold and flu cases are time bound and pass without many issues. But in some cases, it may be important to call your doctor. See your doctor if:

You develop abdominal cramps that refuse to go away. You develop diarrhea and vomiting. You experience vaginal bleeding Your fever shoots up above 100.4°F. You develop chest pain and shortness of breath. Image: iStock Your symptoms persist beyond a week.

Preventing Upper Respiratory Tract Infection In Pregnancy

The H1N1 virus mimics the common cold and flu virus but can prove to be fatal for pregnant women (2). That is why it is important to keep an eye on your upper respiratory tract infections. Severe cases of upper respiratory tract infections can cause premature birth, lower birth weights, cesarean delivery, etc (3). If you want to avoid these complications, you can opt for the flu vaccine. You can also try the H1N1 vaccine that provides your body with immunity against Swine flu. Many pregnant women are wary of trying these vaccines in the fear of harming their babies. Don’t worry! Studies show that flu vaccines, including H1N1 vaccine, do not cause any adverse pregnancy fallouts (4). Some other methods you can use to prevent upper respiratory tract infections can comprise the following (5):

Washing your hands often. Avoiding crowded places. Keeping your home clean and dust free. Avoiding exposure to smoke and pollen. If you are traveling, carry a hand sanitizer. Image: Shutterstock Do not rub your eyes as that can transmit virus to your nasal cavity through the tear ducts.
