Primrose oil has been anecdotally recommended for several uses during pregnancy. Some midwives commonly use this oil to help the cervix dilate and induce labor (1). However, not many studies are available that highlight the effects of using evening primrose oil during pregnancy. Although primrose oil generally has no adverse effects, it might increase the risks of postpartum hemorrhage due to its anticoagulant effects (2). Therefore, it is essential to know the safety of using this oil during pregnancy. Keep reading to learn about the safety of primrose oil for labor, along with its benefits and possible side effects.

What Is Evening Primrose Oil?

Evening primrose oil, also known as EPO, is an oil extracted from the evening primrose plant’s seeds. The evening primrose plant is a native of North and South America but also grows in Europe and some parts of Asia (3). The oil is rich in gamma-linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid that the human body can’t produce. Along with omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids perform several physiological functions, such as regulating metabolism and maintaining the reproductive system (4).

Why Do Pregnant Women Use Primrose Oil During Pregnancy?

Several expecting women use evening primrose supplements as a natural way to speed up labor or induce labor in post-term pregnancies (1). Traditional and alternative medicine often use EPO supplements to treat or manage conditions, such as atopic dermatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and breast pain (mastalgia) (5). An expecting mother with these conditions may consider using primrose supplements to treat/manage these conditions during pregnancy. Besides these, primrose oil is linked with improved insulin sensitivity. Thus, some mothers might consider using primrose oil supplements to improve insulin sensitivity and manage gestational diabetes.

Is Evening Primrose Oil Safe During Pregnancy?

According to the National Center for Complementary And Integrative Health, evening primrose oil use during pregnancy may be safe, but the evidence is inconclusive (3). Thus, pregnant women must not use evening primrose oil in any form or mode without consulting their healthcare provider or a licensed alternative medicine expert.

Purported Benefits Of Using Primrose Oil

The evening primrose oil (EPO) herbal supplements are available in capsule, soft gel, liquid, cream, and ointment forms. Several expectant mothers use these products for different purposes. It has also been found that oral primrose oil supplementation could help with postpartum blues and stress (10) (11). Besides these, primrose oil is also used to treat or manage premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and fibroadenomas in non-pregnant women. Despite its popularity, no conclusive evidence supports the effectiveness of evening primrose oil for any of the mentioned purposes.

Potential Risks Of Using Primrose Oil During Pregnancy

Generally, primrose oil is well tolerated in adults. However, it may have mild side effects, such as abdominal discomfort, stomach pain, a feeling of fullness, headaches, diarrhea, or nausea in sensitive individuals (3) (12). According to experts, oral use of EPO during pregnancy may also be associated with adverse effects, such as (5):

extended labor duration increased risk of premature rupture of membrane the arrest of descent (the presence of fetal head is in the same position for a long) Increased need for the use of Pitocin (oxytocin) vacuum extraction

Individuals with high blood pressure and epilepsy or seizures disorders are advised against the use of EPO. People taking anticoagulants, such as warfarin, and antidepressants, such as Citalopram, should also avoid using primrose oil (8).

How To Use Primrose Oil When Pregnant?

Primrose oil and products containing it can be used orally, topically, or in suppository form. Despite the multiple modes of usage, there is no standard dose of primrose oil that pregnant women may safely use. You must consult a doctor or an alternative medical expert before its usage.

Other Natural Ways Of Inducing Labor

Exercise, nipple stimulation, sexual intercourse, and eating spicy foods are some other purported natural labor induction methods that mothers may consider trying. However, the efficacy of these methods isn’t clinically proven. Additionally, some of them might be risky. Therefore, mothers should not induce labor without medical guidance.
