Rice is a staple food in many cultures. However, many expectant mothers might frequently ask themselves if it is safe to have rice during pregnancy. The good news is that you can have either brown rice or white rice and not be worried. Brown rice is a rich source of magnesium and nutrients that help in neurotransmission. Thus, it helps improve the developing baby’s brain and other cognitive functions. However, having an excessive amount of rice might increase the risk of weight gain and cause complications during pregnancy. Read on to know more about the benefits and side effects of having rice while pregnant.

Benefits Of Eating Rice During Pregnancy

1. Provides instant energy

Rice contains high amounts of carbohydrates that energize your body immediately. So, rice acts as a fuel to keep you energetic and active when you are expecting (1).

2. Strengthens bones

Rice is a rich source of vitamins, such as vitamin D, riboflavin, and thiamine. Also, rice contains plenty of minerals, such as calcium, iron, and fiber. So consuming rice during pregnancy ensures you have strong bones and teeth.

3. Prevents constipation

Rice contains ample resistant starch that affects the bowel. It promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria for smooth, normal bowel movements during pregnancy. Thus, it prevents the health issues, such as constipation and hemorrhage, while you are expecting.

4. Prevents risk of urino-genital infections

Urinogenital’s infections can adversely affect you and your baby. Rice is a natural diuretic, which helps prevent the risk of urogenital infections in expecting moms. Consuming rice during pregnancy keeps you and your baby safe.

5. Promotes brain development

Brown rice contains neurotransmitter nutrients. Eating rice in pregnancy helps improve brain development and cognitive function.

6. Boosts immunity

Rice contains antioxidants that are beneficial for expecting mothers. Antioxidants help boost immunity and prevent the risk of infections (2).

7. Regulates blood glucose levels

Brown rice contains large amounts of insoluble fibers and low glycemic content. Thus, brown rice regulates your blood sugar levels. Eating brown rice during pregnancy also helps mitigate gestational diabetes. Sarah Whipkey, a Greater Houston-based registered dietitian nutritionist, specializing in plant-based nutrition, says, “Whole grain varieties such as brown, red, and black rice are the best choices when pregnant. White rice has had the majority of its fiber and B vitamins removed. While B vitamins are added back through enrichment, white rice also has a higher glycemic index. This means it has a greater effect on your blood sugar and may not be the best choice for pregnant women who have or are at risk of gestational diabetes.”

8. Eliminates cholesterol problems

Rice is a cholesterol-free food. So including rice in your diet during pregnancy helps balance your diet and keeps you safe from cholesterol issues.

Side Effects Of Eating Rice When Pregnant

Despite numerous benefits of eating rice during pregnancy, there are a few risks that come along. Here we list some of these risks:

Excess consumption of rice during pregnancy adds more pounds to your existing weight, and you become obese.

White rice possesses a higher glycemic index (GI) than brown rice. White rice can boost your blood glucose levels and may cause gestational diabetes. However basmati rice (slender aromatic rice) are low GI and are a good option for controlling gestational diabetes.

Research reveals that rice contains a substantial amount of arsenic that may lead to premature death or birth of a stillborn baby. Therefore, you should avoid excessive intake of rice. According to the FDA, cooking rice in excess water (six to ten parts water with one part rice) and draining the excess water after cooking can reduce the inorganic arsenic content around 40-60% depending on the type of rice. However, doing so may remove some key nutrients, particularly folate, iron, niacin and thiamin.

Also, note that cooked and cooled rice left at room temperature may contain spores that can grow bacteria, leading to food poisoning. If you re-heat rice, ensure it was stored in the refrigerator and is heated thoroughly.

Whipkey suggests, “Microwaved rice is safe during pregnancy. Just be sure to finish it in one sitting or appropriately cool it for storage. Uncooked rice can contain bacteria spores that can survive cooking. If rice is left standing at room temperature, these spores will grow bacteria, multiply, and cause food poisoning ranging from mild to lethal.”

Rice contains high levels of sodium and can cause your blood pressure to rise. If you are pregnant, avoid eating rice altogether. Instead, eat other low-sodium foods like beans, lentils, and potatoes.

A Word Of Caution

Consult your physician to understand the appropriate quantity of rice to eat. Sometimes, pregnant women have cravings for raw rice. Resist the urge, as uncooked rice could contain pesticides and chemicals that are unsafe for you and the baby. Stick to cooked rice. Tell us about your experiences! Leave a comment below.

Since white rice only contains endosperm and lacks bran and germ, experts advise expecting mothers to eat whole grains in moderation, such as brown rice, red rice, or wild rice. They offer all the nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein.
