Are Taurus and Cancer compatible? The bond between a Taurus and Cancer couple usually begins with friendship, with the signs of attraction making a later appearance. These star signs are two positions apart on the zodiac charts, making their relationship strong with a deep emotional connection from the beginning. Taurus is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love, while the Moon-ruled Cancer is emotional and sensitive, and responds to this love. Both signs are homebodies and love spending an evening cuddling each other at home. Scroll down to read more.

Are Taurus And Cancer Compatible?

The Taurus partner is brave, open, and straightforward. This ensures good communication between them. Cancerians tend to let their emotions free and are not afraid to be vulnerable or open up since they can find immense support from the Taurus. However, Cancer tends to keep feelings suppressed in toxic relationships until they explode in an emotional outburst. Nevertheless, Taurus’ balanced, grounded approach can tame Cancer’s extreme emotional side. In return, Cancer’s spontaneity and spark can add spice to Taurus’ staid lifestyle and keep the excitement alive in the relationship. Earth and water signs usually complement each other well, and the Taurus-Cancer relationship is a great example of that.

Reasons Taurus And Cancer Compatibility Might Work

The watery Cancer, with its sensitive, emotional side, gets along well with Taurus, who can sometimes be overly practical and removed from the human side of things. As a couple, they do well in many ways.

Taurus can be the emotional anchor, completely devoted to the relationship, and Cancer yearns for such solidity and assurance. The flighty Cancer needs this grounding for emotional security. Cancer’s loyalty and love are beyond question, and the consistency-loving Taurus finds this attractive since they love a dependable partner. With both signs linked to the Moon, the give and take of love and trust work wonders. These sun signs can be the perfect match because of their ability to build a bond at the emotional level that supports the physical attraction. An emotional bond hinges heavily on trust, and the Taurus- Cancer relationship wins here because they both believe in transparency. The understanding between the two is their greatest strength, and they often sail over troubles, thanks to their deep connection and trust in their partner. The Cancer woman’s loyalty and the Taurus man’s steadfastness work in their favor. They can create a family reminiscent of paradise, as their home will be filled with love, care, and tenderness.

Problems Taurus And Cancer Compatibility Might Face

All may not be well in the Taurus- Cancer relationship paradise at all times, and some problem areas need to be handled well.

While both Taurus and Cancer love their partners, they also have an innate tendency to be lazy. If this laziness seeps into the romantic life, even the most affectionate partner may fail to reassure the other of their interest and thus derail the relationship.

Home lovers as they are, the routine of domestic life appeals to both, and at times, they can get so caught up that they forget to breathe new life into their relationship. From lovers who doted on each other and loved nothing more than spending time with each other, the Cancer-Taurus couple may quickly downslide into a monotonous relationship.

Taurus can be rigid in their views and find it tough to change their opinions. Although Cancer can show some traits, they tend to be more flexible and open to change. But there may come the point when the Cancer feels stifled and controlled. Unless the Taurus realizes this and corrects it in time, this could spell trouble in their relationship.

Love Match Between Taurus Man And Cancer Woman

Cancer woman is a gentle, loving soul, and Taurus man is deeply attracted to her willingness to go the extra mile for the man she loves. However, there may be some areas they need to work on. Taurus man may take some time to commit. But when he does, he gives the relationship everything, which gives the Cancer woman the emotional security and material security she seeks. Once committed, the Taurus man ensures that he does his bit to showcase his genuine emotions for her. The Cancer woman, with her inherently emotional nature, not only appreciates this but also reciprocates effortlessly, making a strong foundation for the Taurus-Cancer love compatibility. On the flip side, the emotionally needy Cancer woman and the closed-off Taurus man may have some rocky patches to overcome. They may have to step back and look within themselves to see how they can adapt to their partner when the spark seems to die down.

Love Match Between Taurus Woman And Cancer Man

The Taurus woman needs to feel loved and cared for, and the Cancer man is adept at this, making them a great couple. Here’s how these two may fare in their relationship. The Cancer man is intuitive and has deep empathy, both qualities that appeal to a woman. He can understand his partner and respond to her needs well, which augurs well for the Taurus woman who loves security in the relationship. The sentimental and loving Taurus woman can make the Cancer man feel loved, and she acknowledges and understands his actions even if he does not express his feelings in words. This reduces the chances of miscommunication between the two. The Taurus woman and Cancer man take their time to know each other and commit to the relationship. This long duration of wooing helps them get to know each other better, thus setting the stage for a great relationship. The problem area may often arise from the Taurus woman’s emotional side that the Cancer man does not completely comprehend. While she is quite patient and tolerant, she responds if she is pushed beyond the limit, leaving the Cancer man quite clueless about what is wrong and how to sort it out.

Taurus And Cancer Sexual Compatibility

Taurus, ruled by Venus, knows how to satisfy their partner in the bedroom. Adept in love and seduction, they can keep the sex life more than routine for the couple. For both, sex is a means of emotional expression and not just a physical act. They value closeness and intimacy, and their sex life may be long-drawn, pleasurable, and complex sometimes. But as long as both partners are on the same page, things will go smooth. Cancer likes to show their partner how much they love them, and Taurus likes being the center of this attention. With complementary approaches to sex, they have a great time together, with passion reigning high. The downside is that the sex drive may fade rather soon into the relationship, even if the love remains strong because of their inherent laidback attitude.