Mirena is one of the intrauterine devices (IUDs) used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. But some women on birth controls may have doubts regarding pregnancy after mirena removal. Keep reading to find the answer to your question. The IUD is commonly used for effective birth control, and according to studies, only one out of 100 women using IUDs may get pregnant (1). This post will tell you about Mirena, including its efficacy, pregnancy after its removal, and pregnancy while on IUD.

What Is Mirena And How Does It Work?

Mirena is a brand of T-shaped hormonal intrauterine device used for long-term birth control. This FDA-approved IUD is labeled to have an effectiveness of five years (2). It can only be placed by a healthcare provider. Insertion of Mirena takes about five minutes and can be done during a regular visit to the doctor. The device is inserted using a few tools. It can be inserted at any time during the month, including the menses time, if you are not pregnant (3). If you are breastfeeding, your doctor will tell you about the right time to get it. Mirena IUD works by releasing the hormone Levonorgestrel. This will thicken the mucus lining of the cervix to prevent the sperm from meeting or fertilizing the egg. It also thins the uterine lining, thereby, suppressing the ovulation partially. All of these will prevent pregnancy (4).

How Does IUD Help?

The IUD method of birth control might help in these ways (5) .

It is an effective contraception method.

You need not worry about remembering to take a contraceptive pill.

It works for up to five years.

It is reversible, and is possible to get pregnant once it is removed by a healthcare provider.

It does not interfere with breastfeeding.

Are There Any Complications With IUD?

The effects of IUD need not be the same for every woman. Some women may have pain, bleeding, and dizziness during and after insertion. A few women might have more serious complications such as (6).

Initial unexpected spotting per vaginum

Perforation of the uterine wall

Partial or complete expulsion of IUD where it spontaneously falls off

Unexpected pregnancies such as ectopic pregnancy

Increase in the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) on exposure to chlamydia or gonorrhea while inserting IUD.

Can You Get Pregnant When On Mirena?

Statistics show that less than one woman among every 100 using IUD is likely to get pregnant within the first year of usage (7). In rare cases, you may get pregnant with Mirena for the following reasons:

Keeping the Mirena past its removal time or manufacturer’s approved timeline. According to a medical review, Mirena was found to be effective up to seven years in women who are 25 years old at the time of insertion, and who had children (8). Later, the FDA revised its recommended timeline to five years.

If the device is not inserted in the right place. If the Mirena translocates from the upper to the lower segment of the uterus, it does not work. In some cases, IUD might perforate the uterus, which may increase the probability of conception. For these reasons, you should get your Mirena device checked once every month if it is placed correctly and without any complications (9).

If the body expels the device out of the uterus. There may be chances for the Mirena to fall off and you may get pregnant. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) statistics, expulsion rates of IUD range from 2% to 10%, which may mostly occur soon after inserting the device (9).

What Happens If You Get Pregnant On Mirena?

If you become pregnant on Mirena, there might be an increased risk of having an ectopic pregnancy or tubal pregnancy. It is the pregnancy where the embryo implants outside the uterus or in the fallopian tubes. The other probable risks could be (9):


Premature delivery

Chorioamnionitis, which is the inflammation of the fetal membranes.

To avoid these complications, the doctor will recommend removing the Mirena. In some cases, Mirena cannot be reached as the uterus grows. Therefore, it is left in its place so as not to harm the pregnancy or the mother.

How Soon Can You Get Pregnant After Mirena IUD Removal?

Around eight out of ten women were found to get pregnant within one year of IUD removal (10).

Signs of Pregnancy with Mirena IUD

The signs of pregnancy with Mirena are the same as signs of any regular pregnancy. You will experience breast tenderness, nausea, fatigue, mild cramps, and light spotting along with missed periods. Some of these symptoms are similar to Mirena side effects. Therefore, you should check with a doctor to find the reason. You may also take a home pregnancy test if you missed your period. An at-home pregnancy test may not indicate pregnancy as early as a blood test. Only the tests at a clinic can rightly detect a pregnancy. Next, we answer some common queries that come up with Mirena usage.
