Although unfamiliar to many, making nutritious recipes with breast milk is possible. Breastmilk is packed with proteins, vitamins, fats, antibodies, minerals, probiotics, and everything a baby needs for optimal growth and development (1) (2). It is recommended to consider continuing breastfeeding even after initiating complementary feeding due to its benefits (3). It is safe to add breastmilk into baby purees and other recipes. However, avoid boiling breastmilk since heat may destroy many nutrients. Read on to learn some nutritious recipes with breast milk that you can add to your weaning baby’s diet.

10 Nutritious Breast Milk Recipes

You can try these interesting breast milk recipes to feed babies and toddlers.

1. Breast milk and avocado puree

You will need:

¼ cup avocado mash ½ cup breast milk

How to prepare: 

2. Breast milk yogurt

You will need:

breast milk 2tbsp plain yogurt

How to prepare:

3. Breast milk porridge

You will need:

¼ cup rolled oats powder 1 cup breast milk 4tbsp mango mash 2tbsp peach mash 1tsp dried fruit powder Pinch of cinnamon

How to prepare: 

4. Walnut and banana ice cream

You will need:

½ cup breast milk ¼ cup banana puree 1tbsp sugar 1tbsp walnuts (finely chopped) ½tsp vanilla bean paste 4 cups crushed ice

How to prepare: 

5. Breast milk smoothie

You will need:

1 cup breast milk ½ cup plain yogurt ½ cup fresh carrot juice (homemade) 1tsp jaggery powder ½tsp cashew powder ½tsp almond powder

How to prepare: 

6. Breast milk pancakes

You will need:

1 cup breast milk 1 cup whole wheat flour 1 banana (mashed) 1 egg 2tsp coconut oil ½tsp baking powder ¼tsp baking soda

How to prepare: 

7. Breast milk popsicle

You will need:

½ cup breast milk ¼ cup strawberry puree 2tbsp blueberries (finely chopped) 1tsp dried fruits and nuts (coarsely powdered)

How to prepare: 

8. Breast milk sorbet (sherbet)

You will need:

2 cup breast milk ½ cup jaggery powder 2 cup mango puree 1tbsp fresh lime juice

How to prepare: 

9. Breast milk gummies

You will need:

¼ cup breast milk ¼ cup water ½ cup apple juice 2tbsp gelatin

How to prepare: 

 Tips For Cooking With Breast Milk

Just like any other food item, you need to observe precautions while using breast milk for cooking. Here are some tips that you should follow.
