Women experience hair fall in pregnancy due to various reasons. Hair grows in a cycle; when 90% of the hair grows, 10% enters the telogen or resting phase. After resting for two to three months, the hair falls, and new growth occurs. Although some pregnant women experience hair fall, most women experience a prolonged resting phase, causing the hair to appear thicker since there is no hair fall (1). However, they may experience sudden hair loss when a large quantity of hair moves out of the resting phase. Read on to know the reasons for hair fall in pregnancy and how to control it.

Is Hair Loss Normal During Pregnancy?

Small patches of hair loss are quite normal during pregnancy (2). Research states that nearly 40 to 50% of pregnant women suffer from hair loss, but the good thing is that this is just a temporary phenomenon. Hair may become drier because of the progesterone hormone that is released in high amounts during pregnancy. This can make the hair break and crack near the roots, mostly in the later stages of pregnancy. Hair loss during pregnancy could be due to various reasons. But if the loss is unusual, you should check with your doctor to know the exact cause behind that.

What Causes Hair Loss During Pregnancy?

Don’t worry if hair fall during pregnancy is more than what it was during normal times. Hormonal fluctuations and physical changes could be responsible for this. It is usually temporary and lasts until the baby is born. Other reasons for hair fall during pregnancy include:

1. Poor nutrition

Your body needs more nutrition during pregnancy. The iron requirement is high. Insufficient intake could lead to hair loss (3). Also, a shortage of protein, vitamins, and minerals (such as zinc) in the body can be a contributing factor. Nausea and vomiting in the first trimester may result in poor nutrition. Moreover, the intake of excess vitamins, such as the retinol form of vitamin A, can also cause hair loss (4).

2. Illnesses

Some illnesses, such as gestational diabetes and ringworm (a fungal infection) can cause hair loss. Also, certain medications such as drugs to treat high blood pressure, depression, and anxiety, could increase the risk of hair fall. If you observe increased hair fall while on medication, update your doctor about it.

3. Usual hormonal changes

Hair changes during pregnancy can also result from the changes in hormones that are normal in this phase. The fluctuation of hormones halts or interrupts the usual hair growth cycle, leading to excessive hair shedding or telogen effluvium (5). This condition will disappear in a few months.

4. Genetics play a role

Hair loss has a genetic background too, which means if your parents had the same problem, you too are likely to be affected. Medication and treatment could be helpful in tackling hair fall that has a genetic origin (6).

5. Deficiency in thyroid hormone

Hypothyroidism is characterized by a decline in the production of thyroid hormone in the body and is common among women today. The thyroid hormone is responsible for maintaining the basal metabolic rate, digestive system, mental health, and even the nails and hair. The deficiency of this hormone could cause the hair to fall (7).

6. Polycystic ovarian syndrome

PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that causes the ovaries to produce male hormones in excessive quantities. While most women affected by this condition experience increased hair growth, hair loss may also be noted around the scalp region (8).

7. Skin diseases of the scalp

Skin allergies and conditions affecting the scalp could also contribute to the thinning of hair and hair loss (5).

8. Reproductive causes

Terminating the usage of birth control medications or any other birth control method can cause hair loss. You may also experience hair loss as a result of miscarriage, abortion, and stillbirth. Hair loss is not a medical emergency. But the underlying cause, such as nutritional deficiency or illness, can be harmful. You should consult an obstetrician if you find excessive hair shedding during pregnancy. But if it is not alarming, make a few changes to your routine and see.

How To Control Hair Fall During Pregnancy?

There are some things you can do to reduce hair loss or have healthier hair during pregnancy. These above tips can help to reduce hair loss to an extent. You may follow them, along with a few harmless home remedies.

Home Remedies For Hair Fall During Pregnancy

Try out these simple solutions at home and see the difference. This may help prevent hair fall.

1. Go organic

Using natural and organic products is one of the best steps to reduce the risk of hair fall due to skin infections and allergic reactions of the scalp. Natural products are perfectly safe for people with sensitive skin.

2. Warm oil massage

Massaging the scalp with lukewarm oil is thought to help control hair fall naturally. Coconut, jojoba, almond, olive oil, and mustard oils are believed to be the best for nourishing the scalp with a massage.

3. Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera extracts help in dealing with most skin disorders. Its gel, when applied to the scalp, could treat hair loss occurring due to dryness and infection of the scalp.

4. Amla to the aid

Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, is one of the best natural remedies for hair fall. Amla powder, when taken orally or massaged as oil into the scalp, strengthens hair and prevents hair fall.

5. Antibacterial neem

Neem is yet another effective herbal remedy for tackling hair fall due to skin infections. Neem is a natural antibacterial agent that prevents the growth of bacteria. You can make a paste of fresh neem leaves and apply on your scalp.

6. Fresh coconut milk

Massage half a cup of fresh coconut milk onto the scalp with your fingertip. Leave it for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse using a good herbal shampoo. Consider using fresh milk, not the tinned variety. Some more combinations of home ingredients that can work:

7. A mixture of oils

Mix six tablespoons of castor oil and one-fourth teaspoon of lavender essential oil. Apply the mixture on the scalp and wash it off after an hour. However, get clearance from your doctor on using essential oils as a few are not recommended during pregnancy.

8. Citric lemon juice

Beat one egg and mix it with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply it on the scalp and leave for about 30 minutes. Rinse it. This not only helps prevent hair fall but could also make the hair thicker and silkier.

9. Soaked fenugreek seeds

Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Prepare a fine paste out of them in the morning. Apply the paste on your hair and massage the entire hair. Wash it off after three to four hours. It not only stimulates hair development but also gives radiance.

10. Egg, yogurt, and olive oil

Prepare a paste of the above ingredients and apply once a week. This works as a deep-conditioning treatment for your locks. Along with these above remedies, try changing your hair products to treat hair loss during pregnancy.

Self-Help Measures To Manage Hair Loss

Supplements and hair products also play a key role in controlling hair fall. You may try them along with home remedies. They may work wonders, but you should check them with your doctor before using them.

1. Supplements

You can add the following to your diet to reduce or control hair thinning.

Biotin(9) Vitamin B complex Vitamin C Vitamin E Zinc

2. Shampoos and conditioners

It is usual for the hair to turn dry during pregnancy. To fight the dryness, you can change to a shampoo or conditioner that is more moisturizing than the current one. Choose hair products containing:

Shea butter – adds moisture and prevents hair breakage. Coconut oil – seals in the moisture of the hair follicle. Aloe vera – deals with hair loss. Jojoba oil – natural humectants. Avocado oil – contains vitamins E, D, and potassium essential for the health of the hair.

Treatment For Hair Loss During Pregnancy

If there is extreme hair loss during pregnancy, in spite of your efforts to address it at home, then see a doctor. They may suggest a Trichotherapy regime or any other treatment that suits your condition. Trichotherapy regime is a three-step regimen that targets hair loss in a holistic way. The regime contains three products: scalp drops, protein spray, and nutritional supplements, which encourage healthy hair growth. It helps normalize the hair cycle and reduces shedding. Remember that you cannot control hair loss overnight. It takes some time for your hair to return to normal post-delivery. Remain patient as your body, including your hair, can get back to the pre-pregnancy state with some effort and in time. Had hair woes during pregnancy? What are your stories? Do share your experiences in the comments section below.
