A gas problem in toddlers is common and is seldom a cause of concern. Usually, it may not require any clinical analysis or treatment interventions. Instead, the mild discomfort due to gas is easily managed at home with simple remedies. However, if your toddler has been experiencing constant and unbearable gas pain, you must seek medical advice. This post tells you about the possible signs, causes, and remedies for gas in toddlers.

How Do You Know Your Toddler Has A Gas Problem?

Some of the common signs and symptoms often associated with gas in toddlers include:

Uneasiness and increased discomfort. Difficulty in passing stool. Fussiness and colic even after proper feeding. Clenching his or her fist repeatedly. Increased burping. Frequent squirming. Pulling of legs towards the tummy.

Understanding the cause of the problem may ensure better and effective treatment.

Common Causes of Gas Problem In Toddlers

Gas formation or gas pain in toddlers may surface due to a host of reasons. The most common ones are listed here.

Intake of some medicines, like antibiotics Malabsorption and maldigestion of nutrients Medical reasons such as irritable bowel syndrome

Gassiness can be usually managed with some home care tips.

Home Care For Toddlers With Gas

The following tips may provide some relief for toddlers with gas problems (5) (6).

When To Seek Medical Care?

Pediatric care and medications may be needed in the following cases.

The toddler is cranky and inactive. The toddler also has severe constipation. They have disturbed sleep because of the problem. The toddler develops mild to moderate fever. The gas problem is causing a loss of appetite. The toddler cries incessantly, resulting in colic. However, there isn’t much scientific evidence to suggest that gas may cause colic (7).
