Watery discharge from the eyes can cause eyelids to become sticky. Generally, sticky eyes in babies are associated with the presence of white or yellowish crust along the corners of the eyelids. The condition, though common, may cause irritation and discomfort to the infant as their eyes seem to be glued shut. Keep reading this post to know what may cause sticky eyes in infants, its symptoms, home remedies, treatment options, and a few preventive measures.

Is It Normal For Babies To Have Sticky Eyes?

It is normal for babies to have sticky eyes, which often happens due to excess tears. One of the common causes of watery and sticky eyes is a blocked tear duct, which occurs in almost 20% of babies worldwide (1). Most causes of sticky eyes in babies resolve during infancy. Therefore, do not panic if your baby’s eyes suddenly become watery and sticky.

What Are The Symptoms Of Sticky Eyes In Babies?

Sticky eyes are mostly presented by watery eyes, crusting at the corner of eyes or across the eyelid, and glued or matted eyelashes. It mostly happens in one eye but might occasionally occur in both eyes (1). If the discharge from the eyes is not accompanied by other symptoms, such as redness or itching, then it is mostly not an infection.

When To See A Doctor?

See the doctor if the following symptoms accompany watery and sticky eyes:

Redness of the eye Itchiness of the eye Fever Drainage of pus or red or green discharge from the eyes Swollen eyelids Eyes that are sticky for a long time Your baby seems sensitive to light They are constantly squeezing their eyes shut The side of their nose seems swollen the tear duct is still blocked by the time they reach one year of age

Rarely, the baby may have sticky eyes due to a tear duct malformation, which could cause a large bump at the inner corner of the eye (2). See a doctor promptly if you notice this symptom.

Causes Of Sticky Eyes In Babies

The following conditions may lead to sticky eyes in babies. Rarely, infantile glaucoma and corneal infections might cause watery and sticky eyes in babies(1).

Treatment For Sticky Eyes In Infants

The treatment aims at curing the condition behind watery and sticky eyes. The following treatment methods are usually used for babies. The pediatrician will help you identify the causes and plan the treatment accordingly.

Home Remedies For Sticky Eyes In Babies

Eyes are a vital organ, and thus it is best to leave the treatment of sticky eyes in babies to a doctor. You may take some steps at home to help manage sticky eyes, especially when the condition is not severe.

Can You Prevent Sticky Eyes In Babies?

Sticky eyes cannot always be prevented, but you can minimize the risk by observing some precautions.
