Lord Rama is one of the primary deities of Hinduism. If you wish to give your child a name that reflects His virtuous persona, here is our list of Lord Rama names for boys. Lord Rama is the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He was born to Dasharatha, the king of Ayodhya. The story of Lord Rama is an inspiration to many since He is the ideal husband, son, and king. His stories motivate people to learn His chivalry. Perhaps, that is why Rama and His other names are quite popular. So, check out our list of Lord Rama’s names.

Different Lord Rama Names For Baby Boy

1. Adipurusha:

Adipurusha, meaning ‘primordial being’, totally has our hearts. It sounds timeless, fresh, and most importantly, inspirational. Not many babies are being named Adipurusha these days, which could make it an ideal time to give this title to your son.

2. Anantaguna:

Anantaguna, meaning ‘full of virtues’, is a name that’s a bit mysterious and different. It’s not on the most popular name list these days, but that’s precisely what makes it even more attractive. It has a vintage flair that is both traditional and quirky and parents may love it.

3. Brahmanya:

Brahmanya, meaning ‘supreme Godhead’, is one of the strongest names on the list. We’re quite sure you’re not going to find anything more masculine. It may have fallen off the charts, but perhaps short forms such as Brahma can bring this name back in vogue in the near future.

4. Danta:

Danta, meaning ‘image of serenity’, may be centuries’ old name, but it will still fit a boy modern born nicely.

5. Dayasara:

Dayasara could be a brilliant option for parents who are looking for something that’s off beat. It means ‘embodiment of kindness’.

6. Dhanurdhara:

It’s believed that Lord Rama took birth on the Earth to destroy the forces of evil, which is the reason he’s always depicted with a bow and arrow in his hands. Dhanurdhara, meaning ‘one with a bow in hand’, signifies the same.

7. Dhanvine:

Dhanvine, meaning ‘born of the Sun race’, is a strong baby boy name. Hailing from the Sanskrit language, Dhanvine has the perfect amount of masculinity and has been borne by several Indian kings and rulers as well.

8. Hari:

Hari may sound a bit worn out as we’ve heard it our entire life, but the meaning ‘the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient one’ makes it special. And its popularity shows that people in India love this name to the bit.

9. Jagadguruve:

Jagadguruve is a handsome name that would age beautifully. Many would argue that it’s an old-fashioned name and is a bit too long. If you’re wondering the same, then let us tell you, there’s an option to shorten it to Jagad too. The name Jagadguruve refers to the ‘spiritual teacher of the universe of Dharma, Artha, and Karma’.

10. Jaitra:

Jaitra, meaning ‘he who symbolizes victory’, hasn’t had many takers, but we strongly want it to trend in 2018, solely because of its beautiful etymology. You can even shorten this name to Jai, which works well as a given name too.

11. Janakivallabha:

Parents looking for something unique and out of the box can definitely consider the name Janakivallabha, which means ‘Janaki’s consort’.

12. Janardana:

Janardana is a revered name of Lord Rama, meaning ‘liberator from the cycle of birth and death’. This name was highly popular in the 60s and 70s, but its popularity declined in the 80s and 90s and is completely out of radar now. Yet, a vast number of bearers carry this name even today and we’re confident that we’ll see more of them in the future.

13. Jitakrodha:

Jitakrodha, meaning ‘conqueror of anger’, is a highly positive name in our opinion. The vibes from the name would help your son control his anger and be a calm and wise person. And only a calm and controlled person can succeed in life.

14. Jitamitra:

Jitamitra, meaning ‘vanquisher of enemies’, is a bit of a tricky name to carry, but we’re sure your child will pull it off easily. As uncommon as it is, Jitamitra would definitely leave a strong impression onpeople.

15. Jitavarashaye:

Sanskrit name Jitavarashaye, meaning ‘conqueror of the ocean’, is associated with mysticism, strength, and superpower. It’s an undeniably masculine name, but could be confused with a girl’s. The name is not widely used in India, which means it is up for grabs.

16. Jitendra:

Jitendra, meaning ‘conqueror of the senses’, will stand out as a simple, stunning, and timeless name. An alternate spelling of this name is Jeetendra. So pick the version you like the most. And its namesake is none other than the jumping-jack of Bollywood, Jitendra, famous actor, and producer.

17. Kausaleya:

Kausaleya is a name with a rich history and definitely deserves to be on your list of potential baby names for your boy. It may not have been able to catch on with the Gen-Xparents of this new millennium, but it’s definitely one of the exalted baby names. This attention grabbing name means ‘Kausalya’s son’.

18. Mahabhuja:

If you’re bored with typical and safe names such as Vishal and Aditya, you can go with this extraordinary title Mahabhuja, which means ‘giant armed, broad-chested lord’. The name has a pretty captivating and engaging personality of its own, along with strong mythological connections.

19. Mahadeva:

Good old Mahadeva, has amassed a lot of attention lately, but it was in the 19th century thatthe popularity of this name skyrocketed. It means ‘lord of all lords’. It may not be very popular now, but there’s no denying that it’s a catchy and extraordinary name.

20. Mahapurusha:

The meaning of Mahapurusha is truly sublime and fine. Who wouldn’t want to be a ‘great being’? If the meaning of the name isn’t enticing enough for you, the captivating pronunciation and spelling may strike the right chords.

21. Mahayogi:

Mahayogi is a unique and multicultural Lord Rama name for your baby boy, meaning ‘supreme meditator’. We feel Mahi would make a cute short form for Mahayogi. It’s sassy, simple, and would even pay tribute to one of the best cricketers of all time, Mahendra Singh Dhoni.

22. Mahodara:

If you are tired of perusing through the infinite wisdom of the Internet to find the perfect Lord Rama baby boy name for your son, then look no further. Mahodara, meaning ‘generous and kind’, would be a perfect baby name option. The etymology of this name is very uplifting and will definitely will your child’s life with positivity.

23. Para:

The simple spelling and powerful meaning of Para make it an ‘ultimate’ name for your son. We love how this name brings a sense of artistic creativity. And it has just one syllable and a very short spelling, so there’s no reason why you wouldn’t want to name your son Para.

24. Parabrahmane:

If you are looking for a truly distinctive name, why not go with Parabrahmane, which means ‘supreme godhead’. It’s unique, but has a distinct adventure and sophistication to it. You can cut it short to Para for the nickname.

25. Paraga:

Paraga, meaning ‘uplifter of the poor’, is easy to spelland remember as it has just two syllables. Though the name is simple not many people are clamoring to this name? Many parents avoid this name because of its old-timey image. But we find Paraga enthralling and would definitely request you to give it a consideration.

26. Parakasha:

Parakasha, which means ‘light or bright’, is one of the few traditional names that have a modern appeal to it. Since it’s equally loved by both modern and traditional parents, it is highly likely to climb the Indian baby boy name charts.

27. Paramapurusha:

Elegant and sophisticated,Paramapurusha is far less used than the similar sounding, Mahapurusha. It has a calm and confident vibe to it, and means ‘the supreme man’, which is one of the most beautiful meanings parents could want for their children.

28. Paramatmana:

Parents who want something out of the ordinary can pick Paramatmana, which means ‘the supreme soul’. Its rarity and deep-rooted history make it a wonderful baby name option. And the vibes from the meaning will ensure that your child is always connected to the most supreme soul, Lord Rama.

29. Parasmaidhamne:

Parasmaidhamne is one of those names that you may not like first, but after saying it for a couple of times, you realize how charming it is. And not to forget, there’s an option of shortening it to Paras as well. Parasmaidhamne means ‘Lord of Vaikuntha’.

30. Parasmaijyotishe:

Parasmaijyotishe, meaning ‘most radiant’, is almost impossible to forget. This lovely name will hopefully fill your child’s life with brilliance, light, and luminance. And just like Parasmaidhamne, even Parasmaijyotishe can be cut short to Paras for the nickname.

31. Parasme:

If you’re looking for a traditional name with an attitude, Parasme could fit the bill. This illustrious name, meaning ‘most superior’, goes way back in time. It sounds beautiful and has a strong meaning, making it a perfect name for a boy of the 21st century.

32. Paratpara:

Paratpara, meaning ‘greatest of the greats’, is an extremely macho name. This solid and robust name has a classical and old-fashioned feel to it. Since vintage names are gaining ground lately, Paratpara can also be a huge hit.

33. Paresha:

Paresha, meaning ‘lord of the lords’, is a simple, short, and tasteful name, which will withstand the test of time. It’s as easy to imagine a toddler carrying this name as it is to imagine a father of four. Furthermore, Paresha fits well with contemporary Hindu names such as Priyansh and Reyansh as well, while maintaining its refined air.

34. Peetavasane:

Peetavasane is the name with a backbone. It has been used as a traditional name for centuries. Peetavasane means ‘the one who wears yellow attire, which signifies purity and wisdom’.

35. Pitrabhakta:

If you want your son to be a daddy’s boy, then you can pick the name Pitrabhakta, which means ‘devoted to his father’. The name signifies Lord Rama’s utmost devotion to his father. Lord Rama did not question his father even once on his decision of exiling him, and leaves for Dandaka forest.

36. Punyodaya:

Punyodaya, meaning ‘provider of immortality’, is an ancient name with a fiery feel to it. Besides, its association with several historical figures adds to its charm.

37. Purvabhashine:

Purvabhashine is one of those names that checks several boxes. It’s aristocratic and regal, has a hint of history, and a unique meaning- ‘one who knows future, soothsayer’.

38. Raghava:

Raghava, meaning ‘belonging to the Raghu race’,depicts pedigree, modernity, and class. And it’s also one of the most popular Lord Rama baby boy names. It’s as much in use now as it was decades ago. And we don’t think the popularity of this name will fade anytime soon.

39. Rajeevalochana:

If you’re looking for an aesthetically pleasing Lord Rama name for your son, pick Rajeevalochana. A memorable baby name with style, Rajeevalochana means ‘lotus-eyed’.

40. Rajendra:

Rajendra, meaning ‘lord of the lords’, is a stately name, rich in style. The name also tips to one of the most popular Bollywood actors, Rajendra Kumar. It’s also associated with the first President of India. Now that’s a name with some cred.

41. Ram:

Lord Rama may be known by multitude of names, but Ram will always remain his most superior and divine name. ‘Ra’ in Sanskrit means ‘seed of fire’ while ‘Ma’ means mind. Hence, the name Ram means ‘one who has a completely pure mind that has been burnt through meditation’. Isn’t it thoughtful?

42. Ramabhadra:

What better way to pay tribute to Lord Rama than by giving your child the name Ramabhadra, which means ‘the most auspicious one’? This strong name that has the elegance of olden time, and can easily translate into modern times too.

43. Ramachandra:

Expecting parents who like celestial baby names might want to zero on Ramachandra, which means ‘as gentle as the moon’. The name has something mystical about it and possesses every quality to stand out from the crowd. It also nods to the kind and humble nature of Lord Rama.

44. Sarvadevadideva:

Parents who love all things classic and vintage should feast their eyes on Sarvadevadideva, which means ‘Lord of all gods’. He is the archetype of not just righteousness, but almost all the sought after virtues in life.

45. Sarvadevastuta:

Sarvadevastuta, meaning ‘worshipped by all divine beings’, has a certain aura that cannot be denied. The name aptly refers to Lord Rama, who is the most loved of all the Gods and is revered by everyone.

46. Sarvadevatmika:

Sarvadevatmika is a catchy, unique, and undeniably memorable name, meaning ‘dwells in all gods’. Lord Rama isn’t just a favorite of us human beings, but dwells deep inside the hearts of Gods too. Sarvadevatmika may seem a bit difficult to spell, especially when your child is his preschool, but he’ll get the hang of it with every passing year.

47. Sathyavache

Sathyavache is a delicate, gentle, and sweet name, evoking everything beautiful. We love its etymology the most. This name, meaning ‘always truthful’, would inspire your child to never lose the path of truth, just like Lord Rama.

48. Satyavrata:

It’s not every day you’ll come across someone named Satyavrata. We guarantee you that you won’t find any other child with this name in your child’s school. Satyavrata means ‘he who has adopted truth as penance’.

49. Setukrute:

Setukrute is a classy name, that is also simultaneously tough. It means ‘the one who builds the bridge over ocean’, which refers to Lord Rama’s construction of the bridge across the ocean between India and Lanka to save his wife, Sita.

50. Shashvata:

We were never really attracted to Shashvata until we learned about its meaning ‘eternal’. It’s artistic, beautiful, and would suit guys of every age. The cheerful nickname Sasha makes it even more friendly.

51. Shoora:

Shoora, meaning ‘the valiant one’, is perfect for a rough and tough guy who isn’t afraid to throw down, when required. This name was super popular in the 80s, and impresseseven today. The name refers to the courage and valor of Lord Rama, making it an exceptionally fantastic noble naming option.

52. Shrimate:

Shrimate is a beautiful name with an even more beautiful meaning. It means ‘revered by all’, which our favorite Lord Rama is. So how can Shrimate go wrong? We even love the fact that Shrimate is a perfect combination of power and beauty, which is rarely found in baby names.

53. Shyamanga:

We totally love the name Shyamanga, which means ‘dark skinned one’. The ancient vibe around this name makes it magical. Lord Rama is often depicted as having a dark-skinned, bluish complexion, which shows his affinity with Lord Krishna and Lord Vishnu.

54. Smitavaktra:

Smitavaktra is regarded as a highly prestigious name by Lord Rama worshippers. The name has strong Sanskrit roots, and translates to ‘one with a smiling face’. With this name, we hope your son will always have a smiling face.

55. Sundara:

Sundara, meaning ‘handsome’, is a medium-sized, utterly charming name that’s ancient in origin, but has a contemporary feel to it.

56. Tatakantaka:

What better name for your little boy than the moniker that symbolizes the ‘slayer of Yakshini Tataka’, a demon or rakshasa who was killed by Lord Rama in the epic “Ramayana”? The name is both strong and assertive, yet charismatic.

57. Trilokatmane:

Trilokatmane is one of those sporty and masculine names, which we’re expecting to hear more of soon. A name with a staying power, Trilokatmane means ‘Lord of the three worlds’.

58. Tripurte:

This simple name, meaning ‘manifestation of the Trinity – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva’, would work wonderfully as a middle name. It has a friendly vibeand it’s fairly uncommon too, making it just ripe for picking.

59. Trivikrama:

Trivikrama is an edgy and unique name, meaning ‘conqueror of the three worlds’. In Hindu mythology, the three worlds refer to Svarga (heaven), Bhumi (Earth), and Patal (nether worlds’).

60. Vagmine:

Vagmine is such a noble and strong name for a little boy- no wonder so many mommies in the olden times loved it. The meaning of Vagmine is ‘spokesman’.

61. Varaprada:

Please do not ignore this name just because it does not conform to baby name trends. An old-timey name denotes security, wisdom, and most importantly a quirky vintage style. The meaning of Varaprada is ‘answer to all prayers’.

62. Vedantasarea:

Baby names starting with ‘V’ have always been popular, so there’s no reason why Vedantasarea wouldn’t work for your child. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by its size, you can cut it to Vedant. Vedantasarea means ‘embodiment of philosophy of life’.

63. Vedatmane:

Vedatmane, meaning ‘spirit of the Vedas rests in Him’, is one of the most thoughtful Lord Rama baby boy names. Yes, it does sound a bit stuffy, but that can be solved by shortening it to Veda for daily use.

64. Viradhavadha:

Viradhavadha, meaning ‘slayer of the demon Viradha’, isn’t really preferred by parents of our generation as it sounds a bit old-fashioned and ‘out there’, but that’s what we love so much about this name. At least, there’s no fear that the name will wear out in some time.

65. Yajvane:

Yajvane, meaning ‘performer of Yagnas’, is pretty much perfect as a middle name. It’s a strong and macho name, but in no way brute. This name is both a first andmiddle name.