Childbirth is a laborious and tiring process that often extends into the postpartum period as well. So how long does postpartum fatigue last? Most of the time, postpartum fatigue is a form of adaptive response to the energy lost and extra bodily demands that lasted the nine months of pregnancy. In some cases, however, the fatigue might also be a sign of an underlying psychiatric or medical illness. Read on to know more about the causes, signs, diagnosis, and treatment of fatigue after your delivery.

Is It Normal To Feel Fatigued Several Weeks After Delivering The Baby?

Yes, the feeling of fatigue and exhaustion are common and may last weeks to even months after the child’s birth. The rate of fatigue increases from 20% in the antepartum period to 50-64% in the postpartum period (1). How tired you are also depends on how well you adjust to the baby’s napping schedule and the amount of help you have at home.

What Are The Causes Of Postpartum Fatigue?

Several factors contribute to fatigue during the postpartum period (2). Apart from these, first pregnancy, decreasing hormone levels, colic in the newborn, and poor diet and exercise can also contribute to postnatal fatigue. Since fatigue is more of a symptom than a condition, it can only be managed but not treated.

How To Deal With Postpartum Fatigue?

These simple tips can help you cope with physical, mental and emotional fatigue (7).

When To See A Doctor?

Go to a doctor if:

You have lost interest in things (postpartum depression) There is severe blood loss (anemia) You experience fatigue along with unexplained weight gain, constipation and dry skin (hypothyroidism)

Next, we address a few common queries about postpartum fatigue.
