Most women experience morning sickness or nausea, vomiting, and dizziness during pregnancy. However, the challenge reaches its zenith when you struggle with how to deal with morning sickness with a toddler. Taking care of an energetic toddler while struggling with the early signs of pregnancy can be exhausting. However, since adequate rest and sleep are essential for a healthy pregnancy, it is crucial to take effective steps toward it. Keep reading this post, where we have put together some useful strategies to help you manage early pregnancy symptoms, such as morning sickness, when you have a toddler to look after.

Tips For Coping With Morning Sickness While Caring For Your Toddler

Here are some tried and tested practical tips that will help you look after your toddler, even as you battle that morning sickness.

1. Place Fresh Scents Around The House:

When you are pregnant, different scents can make you react differently.

Various aromatic scents can soothe your nausea. You may find aromatic oils helpful. According to the American Pregnancy Association, citrus scents such as neroli or sweet orange are popular among pregnant women. You may also use lavender or rose oils too. However, discuss the use of essential oils with your doctor or aromatherapist before using them (1).

You can also try sniffing on some fresh lemons or smell a flower from your garden.

Place these fragrant objects at strategic points around the house.

You could place these scents in the form of candles or dab a few drops of the scent on a bulb and place it at a corner spot.

You can also decorate your home with fresh flowers. Make sure to keep all these objects out of the reach of your naughty toddler.

2. Make Good Use Of The High Chair:

Place the high chair in a spot where you can keep an eye on your child no matter where you are, even the bathroom.

You can also keep a few finger foods ready for such emergencies. Place these on the tray to keep your toddler occupied.

Arrange a few of your child’s favorite toys on the chair to keep him entertained and happy.

In most cases, you will feel uncomfortable once morning sickness strikes. Pick up your toddler and place him safely in his high chair. Your toddler’s high chair can come in very handy when you experience those bouts of morning sickness.

3. Use Lie Down Time To Teach:

After morning sickness becomes regular, you will want to lie down more and rest. It can be an impossible feat when there is a hyper-active toddler in the house.

Take out some big pillows and cushions and place them on a clean spot on the floor. You can do this near your bed or a couch. Arrange some building blocks and colorful toys that your toddler can enjoy playing with to stay busy. Lie down and relax while you teach your toddler about various colors and objects.

4. Ask For A Break:

A little time out will help you relax and feel re-energized.

Ask your spouse if he can take a day off to help you with your toddler. It may not become routine, but it will be a nice break to help you rejuvenate. Dealing with morning sickness can be exhausting; take advantage of all the support and rest you can get!

If you have a nearby friend or relative, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Check with a friend who has a toddler at home and arrange for a play date. It will help you get some rest while your toddler has fun.

5. Look For A Play School:

Once your baby arrives, your morning sickness will go away on its own.

Till the time you deliver, you can enroll your toddler in a play school near your home.

Look for classes that are specifically designed to run for a few months. You can always take your toddler off the list once your morning sickness subsides.
