Activia is a yogurt brand owned by a French Groupe Danone. This yogurt is high in Bifidobacterium lactis, a probiotic culture that helps regulate the digestive system’s function. If you are craving yogurt, you might be wondering if it’s safe to consume Activia in pregnancy. Pregnancy is a critical time in your life when you have to take care of your health and that of your unborn child. Therefore, you should be particularly cautious about your prenatal nutrition, including the consumption of probiotic yogurt such as Activia. Read on to learn more about the safety and health benefits of eating Activia yogurt while pregnant.

What Is Activia?

Dannon Activia is a popular brand of yogurt that contains the goodness of probiotics. It is replete with the Bifidus Regularis bacteria and can prevent bloating, gas, discomfort, and rumbling along with other symptoms of indigestion. A regular intake of this super food can even safeguard you against health issues like bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy.

Health Benefits Of Consuming Activia During Pregnancy

Eating Activia yogurt during pregnancy can work wonders for your health in the following ways:

1. Boosts digestion

Bacteria present in the human intestine aids in boosting metabolism and improving digestion. Eating Activia, which comprises probiotics, aids in increasing the levels of healthy bacteria in your intestine during pregnancy. The increasing population of healthy bacteria prevents harmful microbes from thriving in your digestive system and causing stomach infection, gas, constipation and bloating. Thus, it prevents the risk of indigestion during pregnancy and helps cure constipation, atopic eczema, etc. Probiotic bacteria aid in breaking and processing the ingested food in the intestine and support the synthesis of certain fatty acids, which help minimize inflammation and promote good health during pregnancy. (1).

2. Helps prevent complications during pregnancy

Eating probiotic food like Activia while pregnant helps to prevent the occurrence of bacterial vaginosis. Bacterial vaginosis is a harmful health condition caused by the harmful bacteria that thrive in your vagina. Even though females suffering from bacterial vaginosis do not exhibit any symptoms, they are more susceptible to many health complications during their pregnancy. They are likely to suffer from pre-term labor and postpartum endometriosis. Eating Activia helps eliminate the harmful bacteria from your vagina, improve your immunity, and minimize the risk of various complications during pregnancy (1).

3. Improves immunity

Eating Activia helps boost immunity, regulate bowel movement and minimize inflammation in the digestive system. The probiotic food provides relief to individuals suffering from irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis. Activia increases your immunity during pregnancy and prevents diarrhea.

4. Promotes bone health

You need to have strong and healthy bones during your pregnancy. Activia contains good amounts of calcium, a mineral that is essential for bone health. Eating Activia yogurt while pregnant helps you enjoy good bone health, fights the mineral loss, and aids your muscles and nerves to function effectively (3).

5. Offers low-fat proteins

Activia is a good option to have as a light yet healthy snack. The yogurt contains a good amount of proteins that you need to consume to have healthy muscles and a good metabolism. Activia Greek claims to offer you double the protein content than regular low-fat yogurt. Activia Fiber can help increase your intake of dietary fiber in a delicious way.

Is It Safe To Eat Activia Yogurt While Pregnant?

Yes, it is safe to eat Activia yogurt during pregnancy, but make sure you eat it in moderate quantity (2). Eating anything in excess can spell danger for you while expecting. Remember, it is advisable to consult your doctor before you add Activia to your pregnancy diet.
