The 3rd month of pregnancy is the last one of the first trimester. In this month, you will need to follow a third-month pregnancy diet as you may not be able to have certain food items due to the heightened symptoms. Common pregnancy side effects such as vomiting and nausea are at their peak during this period; hence, the food you eat should ease that discomfort. Besides, it should provide you with all the necessary nutrients for you and your baby. Read on as we give you all the pieces of information about what you should and should not eat in your third month of pregnancy.

The 3rd Month of Pregnancy Diet: Foods To Eat

By the third month, your nausea, sleepiness and hunger will have elevated immensely. Luckily, this is the last month when you will feel nausea, so you can look forward to relishing food in the forthcoming month. Your nipples will no longer be sore and the cramping will also reduce. Your weight should start to rise a tad more quickly as well. The bad thing is that the secondary symptoms such as irritability, food aversion, and smell sensitivity might set in. So here’s a to-do list of dietary recommendations for your third month (1)

1. Vitamin B6-rich foods

Chances are your nausea is at its peak during this month, which can make you feel blue and fatigued. Foods rich in Vitamin B6 help a lot by reducing nausea and boosting your moods. Incorporate citrus fruits, eggs, green leafy vegetables and potatoes in your diet to get a steady dose of this vitamin (2).

2. Fresh fruits

During pregnancy, it is best to stick to fresh fruits as the canned ones contain preservatives that can cause acidity. Fruits are an arsenal of vitamins, so choose fruits of all colors; they contain water, natural sugar fiber and antioxidants too.

3. Carbohydrates

Once enemies of your thin waistline, carbs now become a lifeline for your demanding baby. By adding whole grain and simple carbs like bread, atta, rice and potatoes to your diet, you can give a treasure of energy-boosting carbs to your baby. Remember, snacking on complex sugars (pastries, chocolate) is not recommended (3).

4. Meat

If you are a meat eater, now is the time to go berserk over them. Just make sure that the meat is cooked very well and is prepared with good hygiene. Chicken, mutton, and fish (fresh water) are excellent sources of minerals, proteins and a whole lot of good taste.

5. Iron and folate

These twin elements are so vital for the fetus that ignoring them can cause moderate to severe mental and physical retardation in the fetus. Make sure that your diet provides you with rich sources of both and to do that, add beetroot, chikoo, oatmeal, bran, tuna (tinned), beans and meats (for iron) and oranges, potatoes, broccoli, eggs and greens (for folate) to your diet (3).

6. Dairy products

This is true for your entire pregnancy, as well as for the time you breastfeed: Milk and milk products stored safely and pasteurized properly are your best bet for a healthy baby. The fetus needs calcium and minerals found in milk products, so don’t deny milk, curd, cheese and ghee (4).

Foods To Avoid During The Third Month Of Pregnancy

Soon, weeks 9-12 will end and you will be stepping into your second trimester. But beware, now you are in the most crucial and fragile stage of pregnancy. So, take no chances with your diet and follow your diet:

1. Junk food

Needless to say, junk food including burgers and pizza, chaat and tandoori chicken seem so very alluring during this phase. But, avoid them as much as possible due to the hygiene factor.

2. Seafood

Seafoods are good sources of nutrition but may harbor parasites and bacteria harmful for both mother and the baby. They should be thoroughly cooked before consumption. Preparations containing raw seafood such as Sushi, Sashimi or Ceviche should be avoided (5).

3. Tinned food

Be it tuna or peas, pineapple, tinned goods are laced with excess sugar and salt. They also contain artificial flavors and preservatives. Instead of a cocktail of synthetic food items, opt for natural and fresh food.

4. Unpasteurized dairy products

During this crucial month, protect yourself and your baby from infections like listeria and food poisoning by using only pasteurized milk products. Soft cheeses should be replaced with hard ones and try to use homemade milk products as much as possible (5).
