How Many Months Pregnant Are You At 31 Weeks?

You are in the third trimester of pregnancy at the 31st week of pregnancy and a week short of ending the seventh month. You will soon be in the eighth month. Here, we elaborate on fetal development and the changes you may experience in the 31st week.

How Big Is Your Baby In This Week?

At 31 weeks, your baby is about the size of a coconut. Your baby measures 16.18in (41.1cm) in length and weighs about 3.31lb (1.5kg) (1).

Baby Development At 31 Weeks

Here is how the baby is developing in this week:

Pregnancy Symptoms You Experience In The 31st Week

Here are a few symptoms you may experience this week: While these are some of the health issues you might face in this week, there are also some other changes happening in your body and mind. Let’s see what they are.

Changes In The Body At 31 Weeks

Here are some physical and emotional changes that might occur in your body:

Physical changes

Due to the hormonal fluctuations, the nails become dry and brittle and could break easily.

Yellow liquid, called colostrum, starts leaking from the nipples.

The bump is bigger as the baby is growing in size. If you are carrying twins, then the belly looks more bulged. The linea nigra gets darker and prominent.

The areolas get darker, and the nipples become erect and hard.

The stretch marks are more prominent with the expanding belly.

The blue veins are visible around the breasts and the thighs, due to the increased supply of blood to these areas.

Emotional changes

Anxiety Mood swings

So, how is the baby doing this week?

Fetal Movements And Position During The 31st Week Of Pregnancy

The baby movements will be strong this week, but the frequency of movements might reduce to some extent. Since the baby is growing, the space inside the uterus is not enough for the baby to move freely.

Your OB/GYN Visit

During your prenatal visit this week, the doctor will:

Advise a urine test to check the protein or sugar level

Check your blood pressure


Swelling of hands, feet and other parts of the body

Measure the size of the womb

Monitor the fetal heart rate

In case you have gestational diabetes, an ultrasound may be done to check the fetal position and the development of the baby.

You are likely to have the below tests:

Fetal fibronectin (8): This test is performed to determine the possibility of a preterm. It is done if you have complaints of leaking or watery discharge or brownish mucoid discharge from vagina. The cervical fluid is analyzed for a glycoprotein called fibronectin, which is found between the amniotic sac and the uterine lining. A positive test result can be an indication of preterm labor or any other complications. However, a negative result can avoid unnecessary hospitalization. Fetal Doppler study: This is an ultrasound study focusing on blood flow to the baby and growth restrictions, if any.

If the test results are normal and your doctor gives you a clean bill of health, all you need to do is follow a healthy diet and regimen for a smooth delivery.

Tips For Mom-to-be

Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.

Stick to a healthy lifestyle and eat home cooked food. Include fish like pollock, salmon, shrimp, catfish, anchovies, and cod that are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Avoid shark, tilefish, king mackerel and swordfish as they contain high levels of mercury.

Quit smoking, drinking alcohol and excess caffeine intake.

Continue taking prenatal vitamin supplements like folic acid and iron.

Engage in moderate physical activities like walking. You can also consider Pilates to strengthen your pelvic floor and back muscles.

Keep stress at bay.

Get enough rest.

Do not take any medication without the doctor’s permission.

Wear loose, breathable clothes.

Maintain oral hygiene.

Avoid exposure to toxic chemicals.

Avoid cleaning cat litter to avoid toxoplasmosis.

Avoid strenuous activity.

Always sleep on your side.

Attend childbirth classes to prepare yourself for labor and delivery.

Carry fruits and snacks with you, if you are working and want to eat healthy when outside.

Spend more time with family and friends.

Start looking for baby names.

Shop for cribs and other furniture for the baby’s room.

Read books, watch movies and do anything that makes you happy.

As you near the due date, handling everything on your own becomes difficult. When you need help, reach out to your partner.

Tips For Dad-to-be

Here’s what your partner can do:

Help with household chores by sharing the responsibilities.

Create a good environment at home.

Attend all the prenatal visits with you.

Plan for maternal shopping and outings. Give you a good neck and foot massage. Keep the medical documents and insurance papers handy.
