As is common knowledge, labor pain during vaginal birth is characterized by strong uterine contractions. Women who have undergone labor may have told you about their experiences of the pain involved and the associated difficulties. Knowing the details of the vital stages of labor may prove useful in making you better prepared for what is to come. Labor pain is divided into three stages: early labor, active labor, and transition. Read this article to learn more about what happens during these stages and what you can do to make your labor easier and more comfortable.

Stages Of Labor

Labor progresses in three stages. Let’s see what they are (1):

Stage 1 Of Labor

This stage marks the onset of the labor contractions that cause the cervix to soften and dilate.  It involves three phases, namely early labor, active labor, and transition phase.

When to call the doctor?

Call your doctor right away if:

The water breaks.

Abdominal pain gets severe and constant.

The baby’s movement slows down or stops.

You have bright red vaginal bleeding, which is not normal.

Stage 2 Of Labor

The second stage involves pushing the baby into the birthing canal and eventually delivering. This stage progresses as follows:

The cervix is fully dilated (10cm) by this time.

This stage lasts for 30 minutes to two hours in the first-time mothers (4). Epidural can also prolong the length of the second stage of labor.

Contractions get longer and stronger.

The pushing phase:

During this phase, the natural urge to push gets stronger. Along with that, you may also experience (5):

Increased pressure in the perineum, rectum, and lower back.

A strong bowel pressure.

A burning or stretching feeling in the vagina due to crowning (the baby’s head moving down). At this stage, the woman is asked to stop pushing so that the perineum stretches gradually. Usually, there is a wait for the next contraction, then the baby is born.

The baby comes out, usually with the head first.

What you can do:

Try different positions — squatting, lying on your side with your leg up or resting on your hands and knees.

Take deep breaths before and after each contraction.

Curl into push as much as possible, this allows all of your muscles to work.

Concentrate on the contractions and take a break in between.

Try different positions while sitting, standing, or walking.

If you get hot flashes, use cold face washer.

Keep yourself hydrated by taking fluids.

Stage 3 Of Labor

After the baby is born, the placenta is delivered in the third stage.

The average time of the third stage of labor is six minutes (6).

Labor stimulation, analgesia during labor, and cord drainage could prolong the phase.

The contractions begin 5-10 minutes after childbirth and are mild and less painful.

The vagina feels fuller as the placenta passes through.

Chills and shivering are common while you are delivering the placenta.

What you can do:

Stay relaxed.

Ask the doctor, if you wish to see the placenta.

Begin breastfeeding your baby after the delivery.

What Happens After The Labor?

After the delivery of the baby, the placenta is expelled from the uterus. If the placenta fails to come out after 30 minutes of childbirth, the condition is known as retained placenta and may be harmful for the mother. The medical personnel may assist you by injecting drugs such as Syntocinon (7). In case of any tears in the vaginal area, the doctor will place the stitches by giving local anesthesia. This anesthesia will be given only if you did not get one during labor (1).


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