Tofu is a source of plant-based protein. It is soft to eat, easy to digest, and nutrient-rich. However, parents may have concerns about the possibility of allergic reactions when using tofu for babies. Tofu or soya bean curd is prepared by coagulating soy milk and pressing it into solid blocks of varying softness. It can be prepared in soft, silken, firm, or extra firm varieties. Its spongy texture and nutritional benefits make parents look forward to adding tofu to their baby’s weaning diet. Keep reading this post to know about the right age to introduce tofu to babies and the benefits and possible side effects.

Is It Safe For Babies To Eat Tofu?

Yes, it is safe for babies and toddlers to eat tofu. However, you need to check for possible allergic reactions. Tofu is made from coagulated soy milk, which is one of the common food allergens. If a family member or baby’s sibling is allergic to soy, then consult a pediatrician before introducing tofu. Once you get a go-ahead from the doctor, then introduce tofu in an age-appropriate way. For example, consider giving cooked and mashed or pureed tofu to younger babies, who cannot chew.  You may consider giving uncooked tofu chunks or tofu sticks to older babies, who can chew.

When Can Babies Have Tofu?

You may consider introducing tofu to your baby once they are about eight months old. Tofu is generally easy to digest but may cause gastrointestinal issues in babies younger than eight months. If you wish to introduce tofu early, then consult a pediatrician first. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends feeding two servings of protein sources, such as tofu, to toddlers (1). Thus, besides other sources like meat, fish, and poultry, you can add one serving of tofu at least twice a week along with breast milk. If you are a vegan or vegetarian mother, then consult a pediatric nutritionist to know the right amount of tofu that your baby can eat safely on a regular basis.

Nutritive Value Of Tofu

Tofu is considered a healthy alternative to meat for vegan babies since it is rich in protein. It contains all essential amino acids, fats, carbs, wide variety of vitamins and minerals, high isoflavone content and other micronutrients. It is naturally gluten free and an excellent source of calcium and iron too. There are three forms of tofu available commercially, –firm, soft, and silken. Firm tofu is relatively dense and has higher amounts of protein, fat, and calcium than other forms. A quarter block (81g) of raw, firm tofu prepared with calcium sulfate provides the following nutrients to your baby with reference to the per-day requirement of these nutrients (2) (3) (4). Sources: U.S. Department of Agriculture, World Health Organization, and National Institutes of Health 

Potential Health Benefits Of Tofu For Babies

Consuming tofu in moderate amounts can be beneficial to your baby in the following ways: Regular intake of tofu might also have a positive effect on immunity and gut microbiota. However, these possible benefits are still under research (9) (10).

Probable Side-Effects Of Tofu In Babies

Tofu can have the following side effects, which may lead to health problems. Side effects of tofu can be managed well when you follow standard precautionary measures while introducing new food to your baby.

Precautions To Take While Giving Tofu To Babies

Below are some simple precautions that would ensure your baby’s safety. You can try feeding tofu to your baby in various ways as they get comfortable with its taste and texture.

How To Select And Store Tofu?

Follow these simple steps to select and store tofu. Buying Storage

Way To Include Tofu In Your Infant’s Diet

You may introduce tofu in various ways, depending on the baby’s age. Besides these, there are several other ways to include tofu in your little one’s diet. All you need to do is experiment.

Tofu Recipes For Babies

These are some age-appropriate wholesome tofu recipes that can be comfortably added to your baby’s regular diet.

1. Tofu and mango puree

You can serve this recipe to your baby or toddler as a midday snack. It not only tastes good but also has many health benefits. You will need:

½ cup plain soft tofu 1 cup mango pulp (diced) 

How to: Tip: You can add half a cup of Greek yogurt and one tablespoon of nuts and seeds powder to this recipe. It will intensify the nutritional value of the recipe.

2. Tofu scramble

Serve it with baked sweet potato, pitta bread, whole grain bread, or steamed rice for breakfast or dinner. Add chunks of seasonal vegetables to enhance the overall nutritional value of the recipe. Adding vegetables makes it a great source of vitamins and minerals. It is a hearty and delicious plant based alternative to scrambled eggs. You will need:

8oz regular or firm tofu ½ cup red onion (finely sliced) ½ cup green bell peppers (finely chopped) ½ cup corn kernels 2tbsp virgin olive oil Salt, to taste

How to:  Tip: You may add some safe herbs like oregano to this recipe. You may also add some homemade tomato sauce to enhance taste.

3. Banana and tofu smoothie

One glass of this smoothie can provide more than 250 calories and thus is a healthy choice to meet your child’s growing nutritional needs. Though there is nothing unsafe about having banana in the night, you may give this as an evening snack. Choose a banana that is fully yellow in color, which is an indication of ripeness. You will need:

1 cup silken tofu 1 banana (sliced) 1 cup Greek yogurt (or plain yogurt or flavored yogurt) 1tbsp cocoa powder 1tbsp dried fruit powder 1 cup water

How to: Tip: You may top the drink with finely chopped nuts. However, ensure that the nuts are thinly sliced to avoid choking.


  1. Allergy – Soy allergy and soy free diet; The Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network