Liberated, progressive, and super-intelligent are prime Aquarius woman traits. Women with the sun sign Aquarius are born between January 20 and February 18. This zodiac sign symbol is the water bearer; Uranus is the ruling planet. World-renowned celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, Elizabeth Olsen, and Jennifer Aniston also belong to this sun sign. So, what are the other specialties of Aquarian women? Read on as we tell you a list of fundamental attributes and defining personality traits of an Aquarian female to help you understand her better.

21 Typical Aquarius Woman Traits

Read these Aquarius traits to take a deep dive into the psyche of an Aquarian woman and unravel why she is enigmatic and behave the way she does.

1. She is a humanitarian

An Aquarius woman truly cares about the world and does everything possible to reduce the suffering of others. She has a strong sense of justice and fights for social causes. In her quest to help people and make the world a better place, an Aquarius woman extends her support for many humanitarian causes, gets involved in charities, participates in social campaigns and protests, and signs petitions.

2. She is a social creature

An Aquarius woman is outgoing and social.  Due to her outgoing nature, she makes friends quickly and is quite popular with the crowd. She enjoys interacting with people from different social groups and exchanging ideas and opinions. Dealing with a large group is not a problem for her.

3. She is confident

She has a strong faith in her abilities. She is not fazed by people’s opinions about her and doesn’t seek any approval. Cultural and societal norms can’t hold an Aquarius woman down; she is broad-minded and follows what she feels is right. Gossiping or passing judgments is not her forte; she minds her own business.

4. She is intellectually gifted

Her intellect is one of her biggest strengths. She is hungry for knowledge — always reading and exploring various topics to sharpen her mind. Her strong intellectual inclination attracts her toward intelligent men. She looks for a partner who can challenge her intellectually and have mentally stimulating conversations with her.

5. She can be detached

An Aquarius woman may come across as cold and detached. Often, she is lost in her own thoughts and might disconnect from everyone around her. This may make it difficult for her to empathize with others. She is generally not comfortable handling emotional outbursts.

6. She is independent

An Aquarius woman is fiercely independent and loves her space. She is self-sufficient and does not enjoy relying on anyone else. Quite often, she enjoys being alone. She resents people who try to control or suffocate her. In a relationship, she gives her partner complete freedom and respects their need for privacy. She does not try to force her opinions on her significant other and treats them as equals.

7. She is loyal

An Aquarius woman is loyal to a fault. In a relationship, she is faithful and committed to her partners. Her loyalty is not just limited to relationships but extends to other areas of her life as well.  She is loyal to the brands she uses, the restaurants she frequents, the local stores she buys her groceries from, and the sportsperson or singer she follows. Unless there is a genuinely big issue, an Aquarian woman does not switch her loyalty, and she prefers sticking to her original choices.

8. She is an overthinker

An Aquarius woman is highly intelligent and tends to research and analyze everything they come across. A lot of thought goes into every decision she makes. While it is wise to be thoroughly prepared before making any decision, overthinking everything can often become overwhelming and cause stress and exhaustion.

9. She is a leader

An Aquarian woman knows how to work in a group. Her willingness to listen and accept others’ viewpoints makes her irresistible. She enjoys accumulating knowledge and sharing it with the group. She works for the benefit of people but does not let emotions cloud her judgment. She is innovative and comes up with out-of-the-box ideas. All these factors help her shine in leadership roles.

10. She is unique

Her thinking process and personality are pretty unique. With her unconventional and innovative bend of mind, she brings a fresh perspective to the table. Some of her ideas can be ground-breaking and may have a positive impact on society. She is also creatively inclined and may be involved in professions that give rein to her artistic abilities. The typical 9-5 jobs that may curb her freedom would not suit her personality. It is in her nature to take risks, and a job that forces her to stick to strict rules might not be the right one for her.

11. She can be unpredictable

An Aquarius woman does not like to display her emotions openly. Hence, she tends to curb them. Her pent-up emotions and bottled-up anger can sometimes burst and make her come across as unpredictable. This is especially true if she regularly faces highly stressful situations.

12. She enjoys spontaneity

An Aquarius woman loves to explore the world. She might be an overthinker, but her strong desire to enhance her knowledge and experience new things motivates her to be spontaneous. The thirst for thrill drives an Aquarius woman to seek adventures. Her adventurous side further makes her great to hang around with, and her unique stories and experiences make her the life of parties and gatherings.

13. She can be overly idealistic

Once an Aquarian woman decides the course of her action, she likes things to go perfectly. While this idealism is her strength, it can cause her a great deal of grief. When things do not go her way, she finds it difficult to handle them. Any failure can frustrate her. The constant pressure of meeting high standards can wear her down.

14. She can be sarcastic

With her bright mind and conversational skills, an Aquarius woman can make a strong impression. Her flair for sarcasm further adds to her allure. She may add a healthy dose of sarcasm to add a fun element to her every conversation. People with a good sense of humor might enjoy her sarcasm. However, others might perceive it as condescending.

15. She is a bad liar

Lying is not an Aquarian woman’s cup of tea. She can’t lie even if she tries; her body language and expressions reveal the truth. An Aquarius woman is upfront and does not like to dupe people. She has a strong belief in the power of truth and always tries to stick to the truth without worrying about the consequences.

16. She learns from her mistakes

To err is human, but the strength of your character is defined by the lessons you learn from them. An Aquarius woman is highly intelligent and a perfectionist, but she can also make mistakes. However, she quickly assesses her mistakes and avoids repeating them.

17. She is rebellious

An Aquarius woman rebels when she is coerced to do anything against her will. She believes in freedom of expression and thoughts. She expresses her opinions freely without worrying about societal backlash, and she enjoys living life on her terms. Being micromanaged or forced does not sit well with her.

18. She is open-minded and impartial

An Aquarius woman might come up with the best ideas, but she does not stop respecting other people’s thoughts and views. She is impartial by nature and gives equal importance to others’ viewpoints. No opinion is disregarded; she keeps an open mind and evaluates an idea before making the final decision. She fights for what is right and does not tolerate any injustice and conflict.

19. She is an amazing listener

If you are looking for someone who will listen to all your problems, an Aquarius woman is the perfect person for you. She will make you feel comfortable and listen to you patiently. She cannot see her close ones in distress and will try to be there for them in any way possible. She will even offer you sound advice if you ask for it.

20. She can be eccentric

An Aquarius woman can often be regarded as weird and eccentric as she usually does not fit into the crowd. Her revolutionary ideas, refusal to blindly follow societal norms, and rebellious streak make it difficult for people to understand her. These attributes, coupled with her unique dressing style, spontaneity, and wicked sense of humor, make her stand out from the rest.

21. She is ambitious

An Aquarius woman shoots for the sky. Her ability to think out of the box drives her to dream big. Since she is altruistic, her goals are often focused on social progress. Her razor-sharp intellect, risk-taking behavior, and willingness to put in the hard work help her achieve her goals.

How Is An Aquarius Woman In Love And Relationships?

Here’s how an Aquarius woman fares in love and relationships.

An Aquarius woman cherishes her independence. For a relationship to thrive, she should be given her space and freedom. Any attempt to control her or tie her down can negatively impact the relationship.

Her independent nature also makes it difficult for her to get into an intimate relationship. Before getting involved with anyone, she weighs the pros and cons and ensures that the guy is right for her.

In the beginning, she may come across as aloof and cold. It takes time for her to open up and share her emotions in a relationship. She does not show her weaknesses and vulnerabilities easily. However, as she trusts her partner and falls in love, she completely gives herself to her partner.

Due to her spontaneity and love for adventure, an Aquarian woman can be great fun on dates. She willingly experiments in bed, leading to steamy sex life.

In a relationship, an Aquarian woman respects her partner’s individuality. She does not try to change him.

The Aquarian female expects complete loyalty and transparency in romantic relationships. While she may fantasize about other men, she is faithful and does not generally cheat. However, if she is ill-treated or the relationship does not enrich her life, she may step out on her partner.

She seeks a partner who understands her and is capable of having intellectual discussions. He has to be outgoing with a good sense of humor.

The right guy would give her freedom and get her to open up. Any guy who cannot control his emotions and gets insecure would not be suitable for her.

The compatible signs for her include

Air signs

  1. Gemini: Due to their similar intellectual natures, Gemini and Aquarius can be a good match
  2. Libra: Libra and Aquarius can connect over their mutual desire to explore new things.

Fire signs

  1. Aries: The adventurous streak connects Aquarius and Aries.
  2. Sagittarius: An Aquarius woman loves her freedom, and Sagittarius has immense respect for independence, making these two signs highly compatible.