Some people believe in love at first sight, while it’s just an infatuation for others. Have you ever felt weak in the knees by just looking at someone? If yes, then you have experienced intense attraction for someone. You also perhaps had the world go blurry while your eyes focused on only that special person who seemed to have an invisible spotlight. We’ve all experienced such a pull at some point in our lives. However, it is an extraordinary experience for those who have nurtured their first feeling to a successful relationship. But, how can you know if you’ve had the same episode? Learn the signals of love at first sight in this post and see if you’ve struck the right chords.

What Is Love At First Sight?

According to a study, humans have developed the ability to identify a mate swiftly in a matter of 100 milliseconds. After a person is sexually attracted to someone, they feel an emotional attachment that prompts them to gaze into the eyes of the subject of attraction, a little longer than usual (1). That feeling is what we know as ‘love at first sight.’ You may wish to see that person more. There seems to be a strong pull toward them, and you may want to know more about them. If the other person feels the same for you, then the chemistry between you two will be undeniably strong.

Is Love At First Sight Real?

Yes. Many couples have experienced love at first sight almost in ways described in novels and shown in movies. It is also possible to feel an intense sense of attraction towards a person in an instant. It may be a physical attraction at first but can soon turn into a deeper and meaningful connection with time.

15 Signs Of Love At First Sight

Now that you know what love, at first sight, is, let’s have a look at some signs to understand if you have experienced it.

1. You feel butterflies in your belly

Do you know that unusual feeling known as ‘butterflies in your stomach?’ When you see the person, your heart beats fast, and you will feel butterflies in your stomach. It is a good feeling that makes you anxious and excited at the same time.

2. You keep looking for them

Once you are attracted to that special person, you may start seeing them everywhere. You will give a second look to anyone who slightly resembles them. In a room full of people, your eyes will look only for them since you desire to see them again.

3. You cannot stop stealing glances

When around them, you cannot stop staring at them. You are hypersensitive to their movements around you and ensure they remain in your peripheral vision all the time.

4. You feel an instant connection

The person might be a stranger to you, but seeing them gives a sense of familiarity. You feel comfortable with them as if you have known them before. However, you may feel nervous talking to them, but you would like that feeling, too.

5. You do not care what ‘type’ they are

You usually have a ‘type’ when it comes to dating or even having a crush. The person may not be your ‘type’ or be the complete opposite of your wishes, but something about them makes you go head over heels.

6. You find everything about them attractive

The way they raise their glass to drink water to the way they dress— everything makes you gush about them. Every small action of theirs makes your heart flutter. Such a feeling could be nothing less than love at first sight.

7. You can’t stop thinking about them

It’s been days since you saw them, but your mind still keeps thinking about them. No matter where you are or what you are doing, your mind keeps drifting to them. You even start daydreaming about them.

8. You wish to see them again

Your daydreaming becomes so intense that you hope to see them again. You may be a shy person but do not mind striking a conversation with them. It could make you feel that talking to them is a necessity.

9. You feel shy around them

You may have no problem speaking in front of a crowd, but speaking in front of this special person could make you nervous. You feel shy to talk to them as you might be scared of blurting out something silly that may ruin your image.

10. You want to learn more about them

You might use your online stalking skills to know more about the person. If you are constantly trying to find what they eat, what they like, and everything about them to understand them better—you have fallen for them at first sight.

11. You feel happy all the time

You find yourself smiling for no reason. The world starts looking unusually beautiful. You wake up excited and go to sleep feeling light and happy. Even a problem you hated may seem easily conquerable.

12. You imagine yourself with them

You imagine accidentally bumping into them or scenarios where you seem to impress them. At times, you even create a whole fancy story, like a romantic movie, and have your ‘happily ever after’ moments with them.

13. You sense the change in your body language

Initially, when you interacted with them, your shoulders might have been tense and breathing shallow. But as the conversation goes on, you start feeling relaxed, and you might even be smiling a lot during your conversation.

14. You can be yourself with them

No one around you ever gets your wit and humor except this person. Your jokes that others find dull has them in splits. They admire your observation skills, which are often found weird by others. You are not afraid of being your true self with them.

15. You feel you are meant to be together

After seeing the person and interacting with them, you are confident that they are ‘the one’ for you. You have no reason to explain, but you feel it in your gut that you are meant to be with each other.
