Mark Twain said, “Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words.” Although children may not find it that easy and entertaining, you can inculcate the habit through interesting writing games for kids. It is a fun and distinct way of piquing their interest in this skill by letting them enjoy it as they learn. In this post, we have a list of the best games and activities to help you engage your children in writing while having fun.

Fun Writing Games For Kids

Writing games need not be all plain, boring or intense. You can try some creative ways to make writing pleasant and enjoyable. Try these fun games for children to begin their lessons in writing.

1. Secret Pictionary

A game of Pictionary is fun to play when there are more than three players. You can play this game even without the Pictionary cards as all you need is a pencil and a blank paper.

How to:

The first player writes a random phrase and passes it on to the next player. The second player has to draw an image based on his/her perception of the phrase written by the first player. Fold the first phrase, and pass it to the next player. Now the third player has to understand the drawing by the second player and write a line or a phrase based on the drawing. Fold the paper to cover the first phrase and the first drawing, and pass it on. This shall go on with the phrase and drawing alternately until it reaches the last player. Unfolding all the pages at the end of the game will reveal a very funny short story.

2. Telephone oracle

Asking your questions to the Oracle is like sitting with a funny magic ball. Come up with wacky questions and gear up for equally wild answers.

How to:

Every player has to write one question each which they want the Oracle to answer, at the top of the page. Now every player has to pass their papers to the person on their left. Each player has to answer the question according to their perception. Now the players have to conceal the question written on the top portion by folding it and then pass on the papers again to their left. This step is tricky but interesting. Every player has to write a possible question after reading the previous answer they see in their paper. Fold the paper such that only the latest question is visible and pass it to the left side player. The same rounds continue till the bottom of the page and end with an answer. At the end of the game, all the players unfold their papers to read their original question, the answers they have received, and everything in between. Kah-ray-zee! You will be surprised to see the crazy answers to your original question.

3. Finish the story

Your search for creative writing games for kids ends here. This is a delightful and engaging game for their playtime.

How to:

The first player writes two lines on a paper and folds the first line so that only the second line is visible to the next player. The second player has to guess the first line, read the second line, add another line to the story and fold the paper such that the first two lines are covered and only the last line is visible. All the players continue adding their lines to the story. The end result will be a very funny tale with no meaning at all.

4. Consequences

This writing game is just so much fun that you will get addicted and play multiple rounds of it. You will need a pen, paper and a minimum of 6 players to play consequences.

How to:

The first player has to write the name of a male, on the paper. After writing, conceal the name by folding the paper. The second player has to write the name of a female and then fold it again, to conceal it. The next player has to write about where they met and fold the paper. The fourth player has to write about what he said and fold to conceal it. The fifth player writes what she said, and conceal it. The last player has to write about what happens in the end. Then, unfold the paper to read a very funny story. Note that children can write any name, be it their favorite hero or friends in the school, parents or just anybody.

Interesting Writing Activities For Kids

These activities will not only help in bettering the writing skills but also prove useful in the day-to-day life of the family. Children get to explore their creative side.

5. Grocery list writing

This is one such fun writing activities for kids which require minimal effort and is helpful in learning the names of many grocery items like types of bread, toiletries, spices, etc.

How to:

Grab a pen and paper, and head to the kitchen pantry. With the assistance of parents, kids have to note down each item and the quantity required. Make an elaborate grocery list and head out for shopping.

6. Writing letters

Writing letters is old school but is still relevant. So, why not introduce your kids to the old-world charm with this letter writing activity?

How to:

Decide which form you wish to write — a formal letter or an informal one. Accordingly, choose whom to address the letter. Keep the letter content crisp if it’s a formal letter and give it an emotional feel if you are writing an informal one.

7. Advertisement writing

This writing activity can keep their creative juices flowing.

How to:

Pick an item to write about. For example, children may choose to write an advertisement for their favorite candy. Let them write an entertaining advertisement to sell the product. Kids can get innovative and may design brochures, leaflets or even a hoarding style ad.

8. Dialogue writing

Dialogue is a conversation or interaction between two or more people. This activity can also improve their style of conversation. You can begin with simple dialogues.

How to:

Write an introductory line to begin the activity. The next player has to reply to the previous line. Keep adding dialogues after each line. In the end, you will have your very own record of the conversation.

9. Written debate

This activity is similar to dialogue writing, but will have an argumentative tone. This writing activity will help in enhancing their conversational and presentation skills.

How to:

Pick a subject and write down your first argument on the paper. Let your child reply to the argument, putting forth his/her point. It goes on like a debate but in a written format.

10. Writing instructions

Learn direct speech through this activity.

How to:

Choose a subject to write instructions about. For example, an experiment on lighting a bulb. Kids must write about the tools required and elaborate instructions about how to light a bulb, in detailed steps. The style of writing must be communicative and simple to follow.

11. Writing a poem

Poetry does not have any boundary or age. This writing activity best suits children who are artistic.

How to:

Select a theme to write about. Kids can use rhyming words or just express their emotions in whichever poetic style they like.

12. Writing a message on the envelope

Be it a birthday greeting or a thank you note, this activity will help the child write short messages on cards and envelopes.

How to:

Pick a card or envelope depending on the occasion. Write a short crisp paragraph to convey the message. Add a salutation, “To” address and a “From” address.

13. Newspaper summary writing

This activity is ideal for older kids. It helps in understanding their level of reasoning and perception.

How to:

Assign a newspaper headline for them to read and follow. Kids have to go through the entire news article, read and understand it in detail. Now the challenge is to write a summary about the same news article in their style.

14. Five lines about their hero

Children will enjoy playing this game for sure as it involves their favorite superhero.

How to:

Find out who your child’s favorite superhero/ idol is. Ask them to write any five things about him/her, which they admire.

15. Drawing words

This activity does not involve writing directly but inspires to write and makes learning enjoyable for kids. Make their imagination run wild with this game.

How to:

Choose a word to draw. It can be any word like sun, moon, precious, beautiful, mountain or anything. Let the child draw the word in their style. Do not insist on drawing it perfectly.