A beta male is an adorable, reliable, and friendly guy. He could be the one next door. However, such guys may also have other stereotypical characteristics, such as introverts, lazy, nerdy, shy, and socially inactive (1). These attributes could give you only a partial understanding, not a clear idea. To know more about them, we bring you this post with some common characteristics that can help you understand them better.

What Is A Beta Male?

A beta male can be described as a non-commanding, reserved person who falls under the second category in the hierarchy of males. He is a yes-man who does not say ‘no,’ fearing hurting others’ feelings. A beta male is open to communication but might not be initiating a conversation. He is ready to help anyone in need and is also vulnerable at the same time. The beta male is a ‘nice guy’ with unique attributes and can be your good friend on any day.

15 Characteristics Of A Beta Male

He is humble, kind, reliable, and loving with a deeper perspective. Read further to know more about a beta male’s attributes.

1. He is not a leader

A beta male prefers to follow rather than lead. Making decisions for others or him is not a strong aspect. While mostly it is perceived that beta males lack leadership and cannot reach the heights in their careers, it should be considered that they like to be a part of a team effort (2).

2. He is friendly

A beta male is friendly and mature and likes to help anyone who seeks his guidance or assistance. Being kind is a good trait, but the beta male is too kind to allow dominant people to trample over. He might not realize that he is being taken for a ride until it is too late (2).

3. He is dependent

Beta males are dependent on others, be it their parents or partners. Having the ability to know when to ask or accept help is good quality. But too much dependency is something on which they need to work (2).

4. He avoids conflicts

A beta male tries to stay away from arguments, unlike an alpha male who likes to debate and prove the point. While it may seem that he takes a step back and stands down, he is fine with it as he likes to be in peace. He is happy, even if it is momentarily than facing it. When there is an argument or a conflict, the beta male generally is reserved and won’t even make an effort to defend themselves. This is another classic case of being the proverbial nice guy because the beta male thinks that walking away from an argument makes the other person not hate him. This characteristic has a positive side, too, sometimes, as when a real fight happens, walking away can help by keeping the beta male safer.

5. He doesn’t show passive-aggressive behavior

How a person deals when they are in an argument determines their personality. A beta male neither gets into an argument nor passes derogatory comments. He either tries to solve the argument silently or stays away from it, considering it to be the best possible decision for the time being.

6. He is responsible

The beta males take responsibility dearly. He knows what it means to have control over things in life, and if something bad is going on, they take control of it and act on it. Bad things happen in life, and sometimes they may be avoided, but how a person reacts when such things happen tells a lot about the personality of a person. The beta males in situations like these take responsibility and learn from them (4).

7. He is not competitive

The beta males tend to stay ideal and in their comfort zone (3). They know their skills and are confident, so they do not get pushy to prove themselves. Leisure and comfort are their priorities. They are okay even if they do not win a competition as they do not like to show their skills (4).

8. He is trustworthy

To be happy in a relationship, you have to be open to your partner and accept humanly existent flaws. A beta male is always ready to lend an ear and makes you feel comfortable and accepted while sharing little vulnerabilities. Inherently, none of us are perfect, and the beauty of humanity is in those imperfections. A beta male understands this concept quite well (2).

9. He is secure

Beta males know their positives and negatives and are content with that. Having a sense of what their skills and weaknesses helps the beta male in understanding themselves better. They are not deterred by what others think about them. Having a sense of self-consciousness helps the betas make better choices in every walk of life.

10. He respects others

A beta male respects the people around him. There is no sense of inequality associated with a beta male. He treats every person equally, which is a good characteristic that shows no dominance and disrespect toward his partner. At the same time, he wants others to treat him with respect. And so, he is caring and respectful (2).

11. He says ‘yes’ to everything

Beta adult males go through a difficult time saying a clean ‘no’ to someone since they always try to be the nicest person and do not care about the pain that they are about to cause themselves. Although it is a good trait that many people lack, some people may take advantage of it. Hence, learning to say ‘no’ is not a bad idea (4).

12. He is open to communication

Looking in straight at the eyes of someone you are talking to establishes the feeling of truthfulness and a sense of value to the conversation. It also gives the feeling of paying attention to whatever is being communicated. Beta male knows the importance of clearing things up instead of getting into a tangled situation.

13. He likes to spend time alone

Having a sufficient dose of leisure is good. It helps him to have a balance between work and personal time, which is the right way to progress in life. He uses his free time to learn new things and improve his skills instead of hanging around with friends (4).

14. He is reserved

Beta males are reserved and happy with their own company. The reserved nature comes from being a nerdy and introverted nature, which is a common characteristic of betas. They are emotional and quiet, adding to their reserved behavior.

15. He is loyal

A beta male is loyal to both his friends and partner, and he respects the love and care shown to him. He is also true to his job and completes his tasks diligently without causing any issues (2).

He is mindful of your wants and needs. He will take part in your favorite activities to spend time with you. He believes in clear communication rather than bottling up his feelings. He takes joy in the little things such as cuddling and watching movies together.
