Guessing an unborn baby’s gender can be fun and interesting. Perhaps that’s why there are several old wives’ tales on this topic. One such myth calls for checking for certain symptoms that are considered the symptoms of a baby girl during pregnancy. Though these signs or symptoms may have predicted the baby’s gender correctly for some mothers, it is usually due to luck and has no scientific backing. Hence, detecting a baby’s gender by mere signs and symptoms is impossible. Instead, getting an ultrasound at 20 weeks can help (1).  Greg J. Marchand, MD, FACS, FACOG, program director at Steward Health, Providence, Rhode Island, says, “You cannot determine the sex without blood testing, ultrasound, MRI, or some form of invasive sampling such as amniocentesis or CVS (Chorionic Villus Sampling).” However, if you’re looking for a fun way to pass time, keep reading for some interesting myths that are believed to indicate whether you are carrying a baby girl.

Signs You Are Having A Baby Girl – Are They True?

Here are some signs that people use to guess if the unborn baby is a girl. However, they do not have any scientific backing, as these signs may be true in the case of baby boys as well.

1. Fetal heart rate is high

It is said that if the heart rate of the baby is high, and above 140 -160 beats per minute, it indicates that you are having a baby girl. Scientific studies state that there is no relation between the heart rate and the baby’s sex. The normal fetal heartbeat ranges between 120 and 160 bpm, and might usually go lower before birth (2). Also, there is no difference between the heart rates of male and female babies in the first trimester (3).

2. Carrying high

Another age-old belief says that if you appear to carry your baby higher, it indicates that you are pregnant with a baby girl. How a woman carries her baby depends on the weight of the baby, the growing uterus, placental location, and the amniotic fluid (4). It has nothing to do with sex, and the myth has no scientific evidence.

3. Severe morning sickness

The common belief is that severe morning sickness is a clear sign that you are carrying a baby girl. Morning sickness is associated with hormonal changes, and it is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy. Most women experience it until the first trimester, while some may have it until delivery (5). There is no scientific evidence suggesting that fetal sex and morning sickness are related.

4. Skin and hair changes

Some people think that oily skin and dull hair are signs of having a baby girl. Although there is a belief that girls steal the mother’s beauty, there is no scientific study or anecdotal evidence to support it. Hormonal changes could be the reasons for changes in the skin and hair, and that might differ from woman to woman (6).

5. Carrying in the middle

Another belief is that if your belly protrudes to the front and looks pointed, it is a sign that you are having a boy. And if your belly weight is accumulated in the middle, making it look round, then the belief is that you are going to have a girl. This is similar to the idea of carrying the baby higher or lower. However, this is also a myth and may not help in determining the sex of the baby. Postural changes occur as the baby grows inside, and the tummy bulges outwards (4). The way you carry is related to your body type, weight gain, and other physical conditions. Dr. Marchand observes, “Each pregnancy is different, and ‘bumps’ can present in different ways depending on the strength of the ligaments supporting the uterus.”

6. Mood swings

Sudden mood swings, such as extreme irritability, depression, and anger, are believed to indicate that you are probably carrying a baby girl. Mood swings are common occurrences during pregnancy and usually last only a while (7). So, you are likely to experience mood swings irrespective of carrying a girl or a boy.

7. Breast size

Another myth is that if the left breast appears slightly bigger than the right one, it means you are carrying a girl. Breast changes are one of the early signs of pregnancy and are a result of hormonal changes. They tend to swell as they prepare for breast milk supply (8). However, there is no evidence linking the changes in breast size and sex of the baby.

8. Sleeping on one side

It is believed that if you tend to sleep on your right side for most of your pregnancy, you are probably going to give birth to a baby girl. This, however, is not true, and no scientific studies link the baby’s sex to the side on which the mother sleeps. It is natural for pregnant women to change sleeping positions often, to find a comfortable position for accommodating the growing tummy. Some use pillows underneath the belly or between the knees for extra comfort (9) and sleep in a position that most suits them.

9. Urine color

Convention wisdom says that dull yellow colored urine indicates that you are carrying a girl. Urine color is not related to the sex of the baby, but it tells about your health. Dull or clear urine could be due to hydration, whereas dark urine is a sign of dehydration (10). Foods, supplements, and medications may also change the color of urine.

10. Craving sweets

A common belief is that when you crave for sweet foods like chocolates and ice-creams, you are having a baby girl. There is no connection between cravings and the baby’s sex. Cravings could be due to hormonal changes, nutritional deficiencies, pharmacologically active substances (present in specific foods), cultural and psychosocial factors. However, there isn’t enough research to support these hypotheses (11).

11. Graceful appearance

Some believe that if you remain graceful throughout your pregnancy, you are going to have a beautiful baby girl, and if you feel clumsy, it is a boy. Being graceful or clumsy is not at all related to the baby’s sex. The minor slips and clumsiness usually because of the increasing weight and change in center of gravity that could put you off balance. Most women tend to feel clumsy, tired, and imbalanced in the second trimester (12).

12. Linea nigra

It is believed that the dark line (linea nigra) that appears on your baby bump can also indicate the baby’s sex. If the line continues to stretch above your belly button, it is a baby boy. But if the line finishes below your belly button, it is a baby girl. In reality, the linea nigra is a skin change that occurs due to an increase in the melanin pigment and is not determined by the sex of the baby (13). Culturally, women tried a few things to predict the sex of the unborn baby. We list a few of them next.

Fun Ways To Predict You Are Carrying A Baby Girl

People use these fun ways to try and predict the sex of the baby at home, or on special occasions such as a baby shower. However, these are not scientific and should not be taken seriously.

1. Swinging a ring

Tie a ring using a thread and hang it over your belly. If the ring rotates in a circular motion on your belly, then it is a sign that you’re carrying a baby girl.

2. Unlocking the mystery

Your partner or a friend can try it on you. They will place a key in front of you, and you have to pick it up. If you grab the round end, you will have a girl and if you pick the narrow end, it is a boy.

3. Chinese birth calendar

A Chinese birth chart determines your baby’s sex by monitoring the age and month of your conception. This method emphasizes your age and year of conception. If both the numbers are even or odd, then it’s a girl. But if one is even and the other is odd, it’s a boy.

Disclaimer: Sex-prediction methods are only for fun and do not replace medical examinations. MomJunction believes in gender equality; we do not support or encourage sex determination nor entertain any queries on finding the sex of the baby. Did you notice any of the signs when you were pregnant with a girl? How accurate were they? Tell us about your experiences in the comment section below.
