A debate is a formal way of discussing and exchanging views and opinions on a particular topic. Debate topics for kids could be simple, hard, or range from being basic to complicated and intense ones. It may involve two people or many in groups. Children being curious about anything and everything in life may have a gazillion questions about all things happening in the world. Asking questions and participating in interactive sessions, like debates, can help satiate a child’s inquisitive mind, apart from boosting their overall development. So, keep reading to explore some age-wise categorized collection of debate topics that will help engage and educate your child.

Debate Topics For Kids Aged 7 To 9

In this section, we have compiled a list of easy debate topics for kids younger than ten years. These interesting and fun debate topics can also be challenging for their young minds.

Debate Topics For Kids Aged 10 To 12

Here are a few advanced debate topics for pre-teens. Children in this age group start learning various things by observing their surroundings, and these debates could get them excited.

Debate Topics For Kids Aged 13 To 15

Good debate topics for kids are provocative, thought-provoking, and will tickle the cells of your teen child’s brain.

Debate topics for kids aged 16 to 17

Kids aged 16 to 17 are growing and more mature than the younger ones. In this section, we have enumerated topics for debate on a wide range of subjects.

Importance of Debate

Debates can be fun! The importance of debate lies in understanding the benefits of participating in a constructive argument. It lets the participants voice their opinions, exchange views, and express oneself more clearly to persuade others. Some benefits of debates are discussed below. (1) (2) If you want to recommend any kid-friendly topics for debates, please list them in the comment section below.

Sharing your day-to-day activities Having long conversations about your feelings and how you miss them Making efforts to visit each other Sending thoughtful and heart-touching messages
