As we all must have heard, laughter is the best medicine; but making a teen laugh may not be an easy task. However, being aware of teen jokes could help you grab your teen’s attention and get them giggling and chuckling, at least, if not make them laugh out loud. With teens being smarter these days, you must crack really funny and intelligent jokes to get them into a laughing mode. If you are browsing for the best jokes to make your teen laugh, we have made your task easier by gathering an extensive list of funny ones in this post. So keep reading to pick the funniest ones to get your ROFLing and LOLing.

Funny Jokes For Teenagers

Spend some happy moments with your growing kids by sharing funny jokes with them. Here are some funny jokes for teenagers that will tickle their funny bones.

  1. When the grape was pinched, what did it say? Nothing; it just gave some wine.
  2. Where do the fruits go on vacation? Pearis
  3. Are you aware of the “kidnapping” that happened at school? It is alright; the kid just woke up.
  4. What is the one reason you cannot trust atoms? They make up everything.
  5. If you have 12 oranges in one hand and 12 mangoes in another, what do you have? Big hands
  6. What is a pig that knows karate called? Porkchop
  7. Name the boomerang that will not come back. A stick
  8. Why is it important to have a dog in the house where there is a teenager? So that someone in the house is happy to see you
  9. How do you know that you have a teenager in your house? Just by seeing the phone bill
  10. Why do kangaroo moms not like rain? Because they have to let the babies play inside
  11. What are the security guards outside Samsung stores called? Guardians of the galaxy
  12. How many teens are required to change toilet paper? No one knows as it never happened
  13. Name the thing that is sticky and brown? A stick
  14. What would you call a belt with a watch on it? Waist of time
  15. Why was the picture sent to jail? It was framed
  16. What is a sleeping bull called? Bulldozer
  17. Why are frogs always so happy? They eat whatever bugs them.
  18. What kind of milk does a pampered cow give? Spoiled milk
  19. Name that person who earns a living by driving the customers away? Taxi driver

Clean Jokes For Teens

Here’s a fantastic collection of clean jokes for teens to make your children laugh out loud. 20. What did one pencil say to the other? “You are sharp.” 21. Why did the banana need a doctor’s appointment? It was not peeling well. 22. A man put all his money in the freezer. Why? He desired hard, cold cash. 23. Name that thing that stays in the corner but travels the world? A stamp 24. What do prisoners use to talk to each other? Cell phones 25. Name one thing that is common between plants and school? STEM 26. What did baby corn ask mumma corn? Where is pop corn? 27. What happens when a frog’s car breaks down? It gets toad away. 28. When was the comma told by the period to move away? At the end of the sentence 29. Name the most hardworking part of the eye. Pupil 30. Why does a music teacher need a ladder? To reach high notes 31. What is the favorite nation of the teacher? Expla-nation 32. What is the teacher without students called? A happy teacher 33. Why did the dog not want to play football? It was a boxer. 34. What stories do basketball players tell? Tall tales 35. Why did Harry Potter go bald during his teens? He lost Hedwig. 36. What did the teacher wear shades to the class? The class was too bright. 37. What kind of meals are consumed by math teachers? Square meals 38. What is the most loved subject of a runner? Jog-raphy 39. What is the favorite city of a Tennis player? Volley Wood

Knock-Knock Jokes For Teenagers

Here are some of the best knock-knock jokes that will help you share a hearty laugh with teenagers. 40. Knock knock. Who’s there? Goat. Goat who? Goat to the store and pick up some bread. 41. Knock knock. Who’s there? Juno. Juno who? Juno how funny this is? 42. Knock knock. Who’s there? You. You who? You hoo? Anybody home? 43. Knock knock. Who’s there? Kanga. Kanga who? I believe it is pronounced kanga-roo. 44. Knock knock. Who’s there? Ruff ruff. Ruff ruff who? Who let the dogs out? I heard barking! 45. Knock knock. Who’s there? Cash. Cash who? No, thank you. I prefer hazelnuts.

Corny Jokes For Teens

Share these hilarious and corny jokes with teens. 46. Boys: We are the best because God created us first and created girls last. Girls: Right, God created a rough copy before the final one. 47. He: Are you free tomorrow? She: I am expensive every day. 48. What does the punching bag tell the boxer? “Hit me one more time.” 49. What is worse than realizing you have a worm in your apple? Knowing that it is just half the worm and half the apple 50. Why are pimples the worst prisoners? Because they keep breaking out 51. What is a pile of kittens called? Meowntain 52. What is a group of hiking US college students called? A walking debt 53. What did the nose tell the finger? “Stop picking on me.” 54. Name the bow that cannot be tied? Rainbow 55. How can a dog stop the video? By pressing the paws button 56. How many tickles can make an octopus laugh? Ten-tickles 57. What is that one thing the best dentist in the world gets? A little plaque 58. What did the green grape tell the purple grape? Breathe, idiot, breathe!! 59. How are the parties organized at NASA? They planet 60. Name the tea that is most difficult to swallow Reali-tea 61. Me: Wish to hear a roof joke? My friend: The first one is on the house. 62. Why are koalas not considered bears? They do not have the required koalafications. 63. Why was the taxi driver fired? The passengers did not like that he went the extra mile. 64. What is it called when root beer is poured into a square cup? Beer

Cheesy Jokes For Teens

These cheesy jokes for teens are just what you need to make your teens laugh. 65. What is more pathetic than raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxis 66. How does the big flower greet the little one? Hey, bud! 67. Why does no one make friends with Dracula? He is a pain in the neck. 68. Where do the hamburgers take their dates for a romantic dance? The meat ball 69. Why was the name Dark Age given to a particular period? Because there were many knights then 70. What was one toilet told by another? You look flushed 71. Do you know the origin of the word “studying”? Students-dying 72. What is 12+78/3×54+66? Headache 73. What is a teenager who never grows called? Constantine 74. What is the difference between a terrorist and a teenager? You can at least negotiate with a terrorist. 75. What is an everyday story for teenagers? Acne and pain 76. Why do teenagers always travel in a group of three? Because they cannot even. 77. What is the similarity between a magician and a hockey player? They both can do hat tricks. 78. What is an old snowman called? Creek 79. What is orange and red and full of disappointment? High school pizza 80. What did the duck say when she bought lipstick? “Put it on my bill.” 81. Student: Will you punish me for something I have not done? Teacher: No. Student: I have not done my assignment. 82. What was a message given by a calculator to the student? You can count on me. 83. Why was autumn the most favorite season of Humpty Dumpty? He always had a great fall. 84. What kind of people like snails? Those who do not enjoy fast food

Silly Jokes For Teens

These silly jokes for teens may sound stupid, but they are extremely funny. 85. What is a teenager in Hawaii called? Tropical depression 86. How do basketball players always stay cool? Because they sit next to their fans 87. Parents when I was 5: Go to your room. Parents when I am 15: Come out of your room. 88. What do computers snack on? Microchips 89. Me: I am happy. Life: Just wait for one second. 90. What is the least favorite room of a sad teenager? The living room 91. Where can you learn to make ice creams? At a sundae school 92. When do you know that you are desperate for some answer? When you go to the second page of the Google search 93. How can you find Will Smith in the snow? Look for fresh prints. 94. How did the hipster’s mouth burn? He had pizza before it was cool. 95. Why is an obtuse angle always so depressed? Because it is never right 96. What should you do when no one laughs at the science jokes you crack? Keep trying until you get some reaction. 97. What is the similarity between a teenager and a Russian spy? They have erased history. 98. Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing 99. Which is the best day to go to the beach? SUNday 100. Why is it always windy in the sports stadium? Because of the fans 101. What is the wake-up time for the ducks? The quack of dawn 102. How do mountains keep themselves warm during winters? Using their snowcaps