For centuries, people have been using aloe vera for beauty, health, skincare, and medicinal purposes (1). However, the growing popularity of the plant has made parents curious to know about the benefits of aloe vera for babies. Recent research also shows that aloe vera has therapeutic effects on peptic ulcers, burns, arthritis, gout, others (2). Aloe vera is generally considered safe for babies if it is applied topically. This is because the active ingredients provide them with several health benefits. However, it would help if you still exercise caution because some babies may develop side effects, such as allergies. Read the post to understand the benefits of aloe vera on babies, its possible side effects, and precautions.

Aloe Vera: What Does It Contain?

The leaves of the aloe vera plant are known for their health and medicinal benefits. There are two significant components of aloe vera leaf – its green outer skin and the inner gel-like pulp. The clear inner gel is mostly used for topical applications, while aloe vera juice is made by crushing or grinding the entire leaf of the aloe vera plant, followed by various steps to purify and filter the liquid (3). The juice contains a bioactive compound anthraquinone and has laxative effects (4). The pulp has 96% water, 73.35% dietary fiber, and bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins that hold potential health benefits (5). For babies, the topical application of aloe vera gel is more prevalent and preferred than the oral consumption of the juice. 

Is Aloe Vera Safe For Babies?

The topical use of aloe vera is generally considered safe for babies. The US National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health states that the topical use of aloe vera gel is safe in general (6). The use of aloe vera in babies has no clear clinical indication yet it can be used for skin and haircare of babies. There are no clinical recommendations for the oral use of aloe vera in babies. The US Food and Drug Administration approves aloe vera as a food additive for flavor in commercial products. Some of these products can be given to babies as well.  However, the FDA does not guarantee the strength, purity, and safety of these products (3).

Safe Uses Of Fresh Aloe Vera Gel For Babies

Fresh aloe gel prepared at home can be used for babies in various ways, such as the following:

Possible Health Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Babies

Aloe vera contains 200 bioactive constituents, such as enzymes, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids, and amino acids. These active compounds can be beneficial to the baby (7). Aloe vera has several other benefits beyond those mentioned above. However, there could be some possible side-effects too.

Possible Side-Effects Of Aloe Vera In Babies

Natural does not necessarily equate to “safe.” The major side-effect is the risk of allergic reactions (14)

The topical and oral use of aloe gel can cause allergic reactions to those who are allergic to other plants in the lily family, such as onion and tulips. This type of allergic reaction is known as cross-reactivity.

The probable signs and symptoms to watch are redness, burning sensation, skin irritation, hives, cramping, and diarrhea, and rarely dermatitis.

If your baby has any existing allergies, then consult a pediatrician before using aloe vera.

Things To Remember While Using Aloe Vera For Babies

Take the following precautions while using aloe vera for babies.

How To Prepare Aloe Vera Gel For Babies?

Aloe vera is often available commercially in various forms like powder, gel, juice, and capsules. These products cannot be used for babies without pediatric guidance since the FDA does not regulate them. However, some parents prefer making gel at home. Here is how you can make aloe vera gel.
